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Toedscruel Ex damage calculation bug

Playing a match. I had Charizard Ex in the active. Opponent had Toesdcruel Ex with GG energy attached. 3 other Pokémon on the bench (Grotle, Cherrum, and Toedscool) all with NO ENERGY. Toedscruel Ex attacked with Colony Rush which reads:

Colony Rush 80+

"This attack does 40 more damage for each of your Benched Pokémon that has any G energy attached."

Charizard Ex has G weakness of 2x.

So this attack should have done 80 x 2 = 160. However it hit for 400. This would mean PTCGLive thought each benched Pokémon on opps bench had a G energy attached ((80+40+40+40) x2) =400

Possible Bug


  • zetadragon90
    zetadragon90 Member Posts: 1
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    This is true my Arceus Vstar with full HP got OHKO'ed by a Toesdcruel Ex when the opponent only had a 2 pokemon with Grass energy Attached on his bench, plz investigate this issue.

  • Chansu89
    Chansu89 Member Posts: 1
    First Comment Photogenic

    Also encountered this bug.

    Other player had Toesdcrul Ex w/ 2 Grass Energies attached

    Evolved a grass-mon on bench.

    Was able to swing for 120 with no other energies attached to any other pokemon

  • x0riginalx
    x0riginalx Member Posts: 1
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    I have also been seeing this bug within my own Toedscruel deck.

  • n2o4this
    n2o4this Member Posts: 1
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    Yeah this just happened to me. Its also allowing cherrim to attach energy to pooemon with rule box as well.

  • ToxicElitist
    ToxicElitist Member Posts: 3
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    Can we please disable this card til it gets fixed. Playing with it now is just cheating.

  • CaptZero
    CaptZero Member Posts: 1
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    Toedscruel is counting evolved grass pokemon as grass energies.

  • joperopin
    joperopin Member Posts: 7
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    I am pretty sure it is counting the total amount of grass energy attached to each pokemon instead of counting the amount of pokemon with any grass energy attached to it. My opponent had Toeadscruel with 2 energy and 2 pokemon on bench with 2 energy each and it did additional 40 damage 6 times.

  • Sgv_Sth
    Sgv_Sth Member Posts: 3
    Photogenic First Answer First Comment Name Dropper

    Not seeing any issues with Cherrim's Spring Bloom ability, but I can confirm on my end that it looks like Toedscruel ex's Colony Rush attack is dealing additional damage based on the number of evolved Grass-type Bench Pokémon.

  • Toc13s
    Toc13s Member Posts: 1
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    Encountered this today. Multiple occasions in the same game