Poltchageist (the new pokemon)

I think it's really creepy. I mean, the trailer just showed it putting kids to sleep, maybe eternal judging by the backstory.
What do you think?
@RiqMoran Trubbish will remember that. 😭
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Well yeah it's creepy, but what else is new when it comes to Ghost-types? Sure it steals the life force of people, but those are "rude" people. And it uses its matcha to fix things. What a creepy, matcha-flavored guy :)
He'll be a welcome addition to my team in the Teal Mask DLC.
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I like it. I loved Polteageist and this is clearly a green tea spin on it. Although the English name is a little more of a stretch than Polteageist. I like the Japanese name チャデス more than ポットデス though.
Need I bring up Voltorb and Magnemite from gen 1? Not to mention all of the other examples in subsequent generations.
I can understand the preference for organic inspirations for Pokémon designs. Generally I would probably even agree. But to claim that these Pokémon do not fit in the world when they have been a part of it since the first game is misguided and a long lost fight.
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Dude.. what do you want them to do? Have all Pokémon be animals? They need some variety.
Also, it's a vengeful spirit inhabiting a tea jar. It's not really an object like Garbodor or some others are.
(Why do you hate object mons anyway? We got lazier designed animals than some objects, plus they make the world feel a bit more interesting. Like are you sure that's ice cream and not a Vanillite? Or that if you trade a Haunter in a Pokéball, it won't become a Voltorb? They're all pretty interesting, more than some animal mons anyway.)
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It is cool 😎 I will add it to my team
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Seems like we got some passionate replies.
So yeah, actually. I prefer animal pokemon. When I look at most pokemon I can believe that they are a part of that world and that they existed independent of humans. With that in mind, most pokemon that incorporate elements from manmade objects are bad and ruin the worldbuilding of pokemon. Yes, this includes gen 1 pokemon. Gen 1 is not perfect.
There are exceptions. Latios, Garchomp, and Dragapult are designs based on airplanes. This is what a proper objectmon looks like. Metagross is also an object of some sort, just not one we recognize, and that's exactly why it's good. When you break the illusion that what youre looking at is a species of creature that is supposed to exist in the wild, that detracts from the design.
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Pokémon aren't supposed to mimic the real world. Object mon actually make the world building better, and prove it's a different world with different creatures. Poltchageist is a Pokémon with an interesting backstory, and by not just existing because it does, it makes the world much more interesting. Also, it's a ghost possessing an object.
Plus, Object mon are actually more interesting than you think- their mere existence makes you ask how people deal with them, and what they do. This is not the human world, it's the Pokémon world, and it doesn't need to follow our reality.