Weirdest In-Game Pokemon Lore?

We're all here because Pokemon is great and all the characters have detail, but some details... haven't really aged well. The weirdest thing for me is Poliwag. A lot of Pokedex entries talk about it's translucent skin, even going as far as Ruby and Sapphire saying " Poliwag has a very thin skin. It is possible to see the Pokémon’s spiral innards right through the skin." If this is true, then WHERE ON EARTH IS POLIWAG'S BRAIN?!?! Either all of Poliwag's organs are in his stomach or there's something in the water out here...
The Poliwag thing isn't even that strange. There are animals with translucent skin and visible organs in the real world.
So much of the Pokédex is just surreal, bizarre or even grotesque, I genuinely think that they believe no one will read it and that they can get away with writing anything. That was certainly true in the first couple of generations, before they knew the games would become such a phenomenon.
I think the weirdest lore has to be the Sinnoh myths. Especially the stuff from the original Japanese text about Pokémon and humans marrying each other. I understand that the implication is that Pokémon and humans were once similar species or shared a common ancestor, but as ever certain parts of the internet gleefully picked up that ball and ran with it.
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Banette was terrifying when I was younger. Still is. You're telling me that the random princess doll I forgot about from 5 years ago could now be a ghost with a conscience and want revenge? And I'm still a bit scared of plushies and dolls (for other reasons though).
Plus what about if you had one doll when you were two or one years old? Are you supposed to just remember and play with it often so you can make it to eight years?
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Everything in X and Y
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What is the deal with eating pokemon? As far as I understand if it doesn't hurt the pokemon to remove it then they'll eat it.
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Does anyone understand the connection between Suicune and Unown first referenced in Pokémon Crystal?
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I agree with you on this. I also dislike dolls as well, particularly older porcelain dolls. Don’t know why but i find them creepy.
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I find the lack of clarification on what is an Ultra Beast to be weird. I mean, it’s clear to an extent, with one (or three (or five)) exception: the light trio. Solgaleo, Lunala, their pre-evolutions, Necrozma; the five of them have both been considered Ultra Beasts and not, even across different Pokémon media.
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I don't know myself but I did find these 3 theories on Reddit.
It's never been confirmed, but there have been a lot more hints and there is one potential theory I've heard.
If you listen to radio in the Ruins of Alph in the remakes HeartGold and SoulSilver, you hear the Azure Flute (the unreleased Arceus-summoning key item) and Ho-Oh's cry. The Ruins of Alph in these games also contain a portal which takes you to a second ruin built to worship Arceus and the Sinnoh legendaries.
The most popular fan theory regarding Unown comes from Generation 4. Arceus and the other Sinnoh creation deities are strongly connected to the Unown. The Gen 4 movies show Unown in their dimensions, and one HGSS event shows Unown swirling around Arceus as it creates a new Palkia, Dialga, or Giratina from nothing. The original dex entry for Arceus states that it "shaped the universe with its 1,000 arms" which many fans take to be a metaphorical reference to Unown (which have the ability to warp reality).
The one theory I've heard that connects Suicune to Unown and that I find most interesting is that, when Ho-Oh resurrected the Pokemon that became Suicune, Raikou, and Entei, it had to call on the Unowns' help either to cheat the laws of reality, or because it was too difficult a task on its own. This is why they became different species from their original forms instead of just being brought back to life normally.