Devs - what's going on with matchmaking?

Many users, myself included, are experiencing increasingly long wait times when searching for matches. Earlier in the beta, I was usually able to restart the client or restart the matchmaking to get it to work, but recently I haven't been able to find a game at all in 20-30 minutes of queueing no matter what I do. I've seen users on other forums and social media reporting similar experiences.
Is this a bug or simply due to a lack of players? If it is a bug - do you have any recommendations for finding matches?
I haven’t been able to get a match in ranked or casual since Monday and even then it took a lot of time.
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As a suggestion, sometimes the cancel button disappears (as if it were about to start a match), then it comes back. I tend to cancel and start matchmaking again as, at least from personal experience, it takes a long time for a new opponent to get matched (if it happens at all).
No real proof on this, just a personal case so YMMV :)
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@Tgurneu - I've noticed this as well.