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Can't login to tcg live app on phone



  • Jannimals
    Jannimals Member Posts: 2
    First Comment

    If you are seeing the gray login, which was also happening to me on the iPhone, tap back in to your username or password so that the on-screen keyboard shows up, then select the Enter or Go button.

  • David95pro
    David95pro Member Posts: 2
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    There is an update that happened you need to do it to get back on go to play store or whatever and dollowed it

  • Giveawayman
    Giveawayman Member Posts: 1
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    Can't log in I contacted support nothing happened it keeps saying incorrect username or password even though it's right. What's the point of having the app when you can't even log in

  • whynoflali
    whynoflali Member Posts: 1
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    It's the dumbest possible solution, but turning off my Wi-Fi and just logging in from my phone's data seemed to work. I have no idea why.

  • __meyer__
    __meyer__ Member Posts: 1
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    Disabling WIFI and going LTE/5G worked for me when migrated to a new phone.

    Old phone worked just fine on WIFI.

  • bigchunges2
    bigchunges2 Member Posts: 1
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    you have to uninstall and re install it then it works

  • BarretttheGreat
    BarretttheGreat Member Posts: 6
    First Comment Name Dropper

    December 2023 and this is still an issue... so disappointing. You would think the largest franchise in the history of humankind could make an app that works, but no. Tsunekazu Ishihara and the rest of Pokemon leadership should be embarrassed and ashamed by how they treat their loyal customers. I know high schoolers who create better software than this.

  • BarretttheGreat
    BarretttheGreat Member Posts: 6
    First Comment Name Dropper

  • BarretttheGreat
    BarretttheGreat Member Posts: 6
    First Comment Name Dropper

    December 2023 and this is still an issue... so disappointing. You would think the largest franchise in the history of humankind could make an app that works, but no. Tsunekazu Ishihara and the rest of Pokemon leadership should be embarrassed and ashamed by how they treat their loyal customers. I know high schoolers who create better software than this.

  • BarretttheGreat
    BarretttheGreat Member Posts: 6
    First Comment Name Dropper

    This actually worked for me lol. Thank you, much more helpful that pokemon support which essentially said "I dunno, look online"