Anybody got proof that Gen 5 was hated when it came out?

I am working on a video about Gen 5 and I remember when I was little the talks of it being not so great, though searching the net, I couldn't find people disliking it back then, only positive reviews. And I know critics rated the games pretty well, but I found a lot of players praising them even back then.
If anyone could find a discussion or a screenshot from the net it would be of great help 🥰
Best Answer
Well i wasn't really online back then. So perhaps Werster is on to something when he says that BW discussion was "unbalanced" for a while.
What I do know is this. Most of what is labeled as "hate" of BW are just valid criticisms. And from what I've seen, the community has a tendency to dismiss any and all criticism as hate. This makes me highly skeptical of the claim that BW were "overhated". Especially after seeing how SWSH discourse went, there is a serious credibility issue with these sort of claims.
That said, I feel like i have to mention BW are still in my top 5 gens. I'm not a hater, despite my criticisms, I enjoy these games overall. My top 5 right now looks like this: Gen 4 (DPPt, HGSS), Gen 9 (SV, PLA), Gen 3 (RSE, FRLG), Gen 5 (BW, B2W2), Gen 6 (XY, ORAS)
That's the thing. The "hate" is greatly exaggerated after the fact. When people talk about how games go from being hated to being loved, they're completely missing the nuance in differing opinions.
What it boils down to is that with every set of games there's aspects people don't like. Those opinions can change over time but they often don't. If you asked those same people what they thought now, they would probably have the same criticisms they had then, but they just moved on from the franchise.
Looking back on initial reactions, I agree with the main criticism fans had during that era. Alienating fans with a soft reboot was a bad creative decision. It is very telling that they haven't tried that since, instead opting to immediately undo that decision in B2W2 and then going back to the tried and true strategy of debuting new regions with a blend of new and old pokemon.
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I've seen many discussions on reception based on sales, but the problem is these two often don't correlate well. In our case, for Pokemon, one need only look as far back as Sword and Shield. Unless we want to make the case that these are among the most loved games in the entire franchise, we can't use sales as a reliable indicator of consumer sentiment.
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I've seen many discussions on reception based on sales, but the problem is these two often don't correlate well. In our case, for Pokemon, one need only look as far back as Sword and Shield. Unless we want to make the case that these are among the most loved games in the entire franchise, we can't use sales as a reliable indicator of consumer sentiment.
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Wow, you guys answered quickly!
Welp, I would quite support Werster's take on this.
Tbh there is always something to love in each Pokemon game and that's where the love for this gen came from.
I'd not hate it if the franchise rebooted even now tbh. Fans' reactions to the reboot were overexaggerated, but expected and the intro to this video says it pretty
The other reason why everyone praises this game so much now and so much back then is because they didn't have modern games like XY, Sw/Sh, etc. which greatly lack in content compared to the older titles.
What I'm trying to say is that games like HGSS, DPPt were the standart and people probably expected something bigger than BW, but now it's like "You don't know how much you love something until you've lost it"
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I alluded to the main complaint earlier. The soft reboot in barring all past pokemon from the main story, turning their back on a pillar the success of the franchise is built on. It's twofold too because they had to sacrifice quality for quantity in order to deliver an amount of designs that could attempt to fill the void left behind by the pokemon they shunned.