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Unable to open the Battle Pass after completing a game

jon11w Member Posts: 165 ✭✭✭
100 Agrees 100 Comments 25 Likes First Anniversary

After completing a match I am unable to open the battle pass from either the home screen or from the tab in the navigation. I receive an error saying box with this message:

"This feature is not available now. Please try again later."

In order to open the battle pass I have to close the client and reopen it.

I have been experiencing this bug since the launch of beta. I'm sure I've seen it raised multiple times but I thought I'd raise it again since it still occures.

I am playing on the desktop client on Mac.


  • jon11w
    jon11w Member Posts: 165 ✭✭✭
    100 Agrees 100 Comments 25 Likes First Anniversary

    @TPCi_CursedSoup FYI this bug randomly fixed itself last week but is broken again today.

    I saw other people mention that it was "fixed" on social media so something weird is going on.

  • TPCi_CursedSoup
    TPCi_CursedSoup Administrator Posts: 298 admin
    250 Likes Third Anniversary 100 Comments 25 Agrees

    @TPCi_CursedSoup FYI this bug randomly fixed itself last week but is broken again today.

    I saw other people mention that it was "fixed" on social media so something weird is going on.

    @jon11w Thanks for bringing attention to this! This will be forwarded along to make sure the team has these additional details so they're able to investigate.

  • jwvader
    jwvader Member Posts: 5
    Name Dropper First Comment

    @TPCi_CursedSoup after the latest update this got fixed for me and then after 1-2 days it came back. I don't know why it keeps coming back...

    The 2 things I did that might had to do with this is:

    1) Rerolled a quest (after that, the bug came back at the end of the next match),

    2) Clicked on the Battle Pass button a few times before the level bar and ranked points finished loading after the game was over.