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[BUG REPORT] Infinte turn after draw phase

After drawing, the card drawed is displayed in center of the screen and no action is possible.

Even the timer sometimes dispay the countdown and dissapear before reaching zero

The only way to go trhough is to concede the match and ALT+F4 the game to reconnect.

But even doing that, the problem can happen in the next game launched when drawing cards

Here is a screenshot of the card drawed stuck in center of the screen blocking any click and the timer.

The game version played from France, on PC version and the number is v1.3.20.1660873.20230110_1732


  • yargeul
    yargeul Member Posts: 1
    First Comment

    Hi, I have exactly the same problem on my PC client ! I don't know if this a coincidence, but I also happen to play in the french language. Version is

  • SamBamBOOM
    SamBamBOOM Member Posts: 8
    First Comment

    Same here, I havnt been able to finish a single match. Happened only on pc version, I dont think it has anything to do with language.