[BUG] Raihan appears to become unusable when using ordinary rod on the "last knocked out pokémon"

So, during a match tonight I found this issue. Would need to verify, maybe through test mode if it's the same every time but here's what happened this time at least.
I'm playing Lucario (BRS) against a shadow rider, they knock out my active Lucario for their first prize with me not having discarded any Pokémon cards as of yet. On my turn, having Raihan in hand (marked as usable) I decide to use Ordinary Rod first, recover the resources before using the supporter. After playing it, and returning both Riolu and Lucario (both from the KO'd Pokémon), Raihan became unusable. I could use Boss' Orders and Marnie though, just as usual.
This is just a thought, but it would appear the check for whether you can use Raihan or not is checking for the location of the cards themselves, instead of setting a fixed value, which shouldn't be altered once the "last turn" has ended. Being a pretty relevant card in several decks, hopefully this issue can be fixed soon!
For reference, the match was on Android, through the Ranked Standard mode.
As an update, the same issue appears to happen on desktop (Windows), which is very frustrating. In this instance, starting the turn with a knocked out pokémon but no energy in the discard; after manually retreating (discarding two basic energy cards), Raihan is still unusable.
I'm glad the ranking eventually gives more points (+20) per win, even if substracting some (-10) per loss; otherwise reaching arceus rank in a month would be almost impossible unless really tryharding. But this sort of issues causing a drop in 60 points already isn't the greatest experience, not gonna lie. Not that there's much that can be done, just venting a little bit. It'd be good if there was some grace period where conceding/losing a single match didn't mean a loss of points (perhaps once every 2-3 hours, so someone doing a single match every so often, and happening to find a bug isn't penalized as harshly)
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More updates: Evo Incense is still bugged as described, following the 1.0.1 update.
Regarding the Raihan bugs, I haven't personally found them as of yet, but haven't actively tried to do it. Might check it later in test mode if I have time. On the "unusable after recovering the KO'd Pokémon" issue, someone reported a similar situation with Cynthia's Ambition, over on the main Live subforum:
Wonder if it may be similar, or part of the same issue. Linking it just in case.
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How is this bug still here? Devs, please hire someone who actually plays the game. This mistake hasn't even been acknowledged, likely because someone on the team still thinks this is a correct ruling. It's not. Fix it. This is a huge issue that practically turns this from a simulator into a different format.
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I have a similar issue where the definition of "defeated during your opponent's last turn doesn't apply correctly.
During my turn, if I make one of my Pokémon "suicide" (Through Old Cemetery for example), when I play Bruno, I draw 7 cards instead of 4, even though no Pokémon was defeated last turn
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Bumping this since the devs still haven't acknowledged. (And my thread explaining the issue and what needs to be done was removed.)
@TPCi_CursedSoup Sorry for the ping, but this really needs to be addressed. It's a massive ruling difference between Live and the real game, and as seen above it's easy to exploit. It also might have weird Lost Zone interactions, which will be a problem in the next set.
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Bumping this since the devs still haven't acknowledged. (And my thread explaining the issue and what needs to be done was removed.)
@TPCi_CursedSoup Sorry for the ping, but this really needs to be addressed. It's a massive ruling difference between Live and the real game, and as seen above it's easy to exploit. It also might have weird Lost Zone interactions, which will be a problem in the next set.
No worries at all with the ping! I apologize for not getting back to this sooner. I ensured the team was aware of this so that it could be looked into. I have no specific details for this, but as soon as I hear back anything, I'll update.