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Shiny odds should increase if parents are shiny



  • RiqMoran
    RiqMoran Member Posts: 231 ✭✭✭
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    thats the same odds we already have (1/512). But i get what you mean. However theres a big difference between the numbers on paper and the actual gameplay. If you don't shiny hunt, you probably don't know what i'm talking about.

    The odds can be lowered to ~ 1/2000 for wild encounters, and that translates to about 30 mins per shiny with not much variance bc the process is fast and we're working with big numbers.

    The odds for eggs can be lowered to ~ 1/500, but because we're working with smaller numbers and the process is slower there's a lot more variance. It can take 3 hours if you get it in the first 200 eggs. But if it takes more than 1000 eggs that can take more than a week playing several hours a day.

    To make breeding odds more in line with wild encounters, I could take the odds down to 1/100 and each hunt would still take over an hour on average. It takes 30 mins just to get 50-90 eggs. Wild encounters are still the faster method, but now it's closer.

  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,663 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    I do not need to have done something personally to understand it or its effects on shinies and their desirability. I understand how it is done.

    If anything the fact that I, like so many people, cannot be bothered to do it proves my point. Less people are willing to put in the work to obtain shinies, so shinies are rarer and not readily available to everyone.

    I never said it was fun. I never said it was good game design.

    I said it makes shinies rarer. Things that are rarer are more desirable. Human nature.

    If it was easier to obtain shinies, I think a lot of people wouldn't even want them anymore.

  • RiqMoran
    RiqMoran Member Posts: 231 ✭✭✭
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    The fact you don't shiny hunt is very much relevant. I promise you if you tried to hatch all the shiny starters in any game new or old you would not be trying to tell me that it's anywhere remotely close to being too easy. We wouldn't be having this conversation.

    And I don't agree with your view in general. This isn't a zero-sum game, it's not economics. It's just a video game. What other people have doesn't affect my enjoyment of the game. If it takes me months to get a shiny legendary, I don't care how long it takes other people to get it. The fact you don't have it doesnt make me happier. Seeing other people make shiny living dexes doesn't make me value my shinies less. I don't think that's a good way to view the game.

  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,663 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    I never said hatching shinies was easy or a quick process. That was never my point.

    My point is that every new mechanic that makes it easier or less time consuming to obtain shinies will make them more common. Rarity makes things more desirable.

    Dipping back into the TCG example again why don't rares tend to hold the same value as commons? They are both pieces of cardboard. What is the difference?

    Why isn't XY Evolutions Charizard the same price as a Base Set 1st Edition Charizard? They have the same art. In fact, the more modern card has better stats. It's the more valuable card, right?

    Let's try another tact. You have two friends and you ask them how many shinies they have. They both say two. You ask them where they got them.

    One friend says that they used soft resetting over a few hours to get a shiny Mewtwo and hatched eggs until they got a shiny Charmander.

    The other says that they caught the shiny Gyarados in the Lake of Rage and the Shiny Ponyta from the mission in Legends Arceus.

    They both have two shinies, right? Same value in a trade? Is there a difference?

  • RiqMoran
    RiqMoran Member Posts: 231 ✭✭✭
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    Thinking getting a shiny Mewtwo takes "a few hours" kinda proves the point I'm trying to make. It actually takes dozens or hundreds depending on the game and your luck. Even a shiny charmander in "a few hours" would be very lucky. I wish it only took a few hours, though.

    We are presenting two sides of an extreme (on one hand shiny legends take dozens if not hundreds of hours, on the other lake gyarados is guaranteed) and pretending an eventuality of lake gyarados being the norm is imminent. It's not.

    Lake gyarados is an outlier. It doesn't represent the balance between time and reward I want to strike, because there is no time requirement. That's not fun at all. There has to be a sense that you're working towards something. You don't get that from a lake gyarados and you don't get that from a multi-day masuda method hunt either.

    If I sold shiny pokemon for a living, I would agree with you. But they're not real, I don't care what they're worth. I'm not out here selling them, so I don't benefit in any way from the supply being artificially and arbitrarily constrained. We're not selling diamonds here, we're playing a game. The gameplay takes priority over the value of an imaginary asset.

  • ashpokemonman7
    ashpokemonman7 Member Posts: 7
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    I think it would be cool if increase your chances by 2% or something

  • Acornyo
    Acornyo Member Posts: 751 ✭✭✭✭
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    I feel like they should do this instead of the new Outbreak Odds thing they're doing. The odds now are about 1/500, which may seem like nothing but prior to these games (IE Legends Arceus and Pokemon Shield) I had 0 shinies. I know I shouldn't be complaining, but now shiny Pokemon are really easy to get in my opinion. I used to always want a shiny Goomy and now all I need is a Sliggoo, but the thing is, I never pull any of my shinies out of their boxes after I catch them, since now I have an obsessive amount and they don't feel that special. I'm not saying they don't feel special, I'm just saying that now anybody can catch a shiny Pokemon without trying, so what's the point of playing old games when you can wait for remakes or new games with that same Pokemon in it with these boosted shiny odds.

  • RiqMoran
    RiqMoran Member Posts: 231 ✭✭✭
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    I have the opposite experience. Before, when shiny hunting was so boring and time consuming, I had zero interest in parttaking in it despite wanting shinies. It is only now, 10 generations in, that the reward finally seems to be balanced with the time sink. Shiny hunting is more popular than ever now. You could argue that the total amount of enjoyment derived from shinies is higher now, due to the sheer amount of fans participating, despite you individually enjoying them less.

    my only issue is that shinies from eggs take days whereas wild encounters take minutes. The gap should be closed.