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Bug- after playing a match the battle pass becomes unavalible

AshDitto69 Member Posts: 4
First Comment

When I open the app I am able to use the battle pass. But as soon as I play a match it says this feature is unavalible. This can be fixed by quitting the game and re opening it, though as soon as you play another match you are unable to use the battle pass again.


  • jwvader
    jwvader Member Posts: 5
    First Comment Name Dropper

    This is the normal for me since I first installed PTCGL. Really annoying, hope they will finally fix it since many people have started to complain.

  • TPCi_CursedSoup
    TPCi_CursedSoup Administrator Posts: 275 admin
    25 Agrees Second Anniversary 250 Likes 25 LOLs

    Thank you for taking the time to report this. The team is aware of this issue and is looking into a resolution for a future release.

    If you notice any new ways this issue occurs, please don't hesitate to contact our Support Team and let them know these new details.

  • Looshy11
    Looshy11 Member Posts: 2
    First Comment

    This bug is back since the recent update. So annoying that in over a year this bug still persists.