Hottest Pokemon take?
Pokemon needs more content which is balanced to be worth more than $40. I know you're not going to get it perfect but the last couple generations power creep is insane!
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@Bionicthehedge Could you elaborate a bit more on what you mean? By the power creep thing?
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Gen 8 has so many cool designs. I prefer many gen 8 mons over gen 2-7 mons.
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Aside from the extremely obvious, they should have kept going with Megas, given every Pokemon a Mega, and expended great effort to ensure that every Mega received some interesting combination of Typing, Moves, and (unique) Abilities.
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Pokemon battle revolution has the best soundtrack out of all pokemon games
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i think all fully evolved pokemon or single stage pokemons should be viable (Give Ledian and Delibird Huge Power)