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Was the Fire Starter Zodiac conspiracy ever true?

Acornyo Member Posts: 751 ✭✭✭✭
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I always get confused when people say “Fuecoco broke the theory!” Or whatever it is. But point is, it was never real in the first place. I’ll go through every fire type to show you. Can anyone tell me if I’m over exaggerating?

Charmander: Evolves into a dragon, so it makes sense.

Cyndaquil: It may be the “Fire Mouse” Pokémon, but it’s clearly not a mouse. If that’s what you qualify to prove your point, then Slowbro is a hermit crab.

Torchic: Only 70% of Torchic evolve to roosters, the other half are girls, but it’s still a solid one.

Chimchar: A chimp, but evolves to a monkey, so ok.

Tepig: Is pig. Ok.

Fennekin: HOW IS THAT A DOG?!? It’s a fox. Doesn’t work.

Litten: Has always been and evolves into a tabby cat, not a tiger.

Scorbunny: Is a rabbit. Ok.

Fuecoco: The alleged ruiner.

Best Answer

  • DylanVsTheWorld
    DylanVsTheWorld Member Posts: 82 ✭✭
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    Most of them were close enough. Like a fox is a canine so it still works as a “dog”. A cat is a feline so it still works as a “tiger”.

    I guess by that logic a gator (crocodile?) is a reptile so it can be the snake, but it’s just too much of a stretch this time. Scarlet and Violet broke a lot of patterns so maybe it was real but they just got bored.


  • EliteTrainerLin
    EliteTrainerLin Member Posts: 6
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    While I don't believe the theory is true, cyndaquil looks exactly like a shrew, a mouse-like animal refered to as a mouse in many lanugages including japanese. Everyone saying it's not a mouse when it looks exactly like a common mouse-like animal, while the same people often have 0 problems calling pikachu a mouse despite it looking even less like a mouse, makes no sense to me!

  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,660 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    In what way is it a conspiracy? Who is conspiring with whom?

    Anyway, humans are inclined to spot patterns, leading them to see them where they might not actually exist. It is also possible that Gamefreak may have been using the Chinese zodiac for inspiration originally only to abandon it later.

  • RiqMoran
    RiqMoran Member Posts: 231 ✭✭✭
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    Yeah I don't like when people force their headcanons, especially when it's a reach. And this fan theory in particular was always a reach in my eyes. It was very obvious this was never a thing even before Fuecoco, but people like to see patterns everywhere.

  • Elberta
    Elberta Member Posts: 91 ✭✭
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    No, I don't think this is true because Pokemon is a company that is starting to break trends, especially with the Legends Arceus and S/V games recently. This basically shows that the Pokemon company probably never established a pattern for the starters in the first place, but like @TheJeffers stated, this trend might've been the plan at the start, but they abandoned it later on, probably when the 3D games started, when Fennekin was intorduced, and humanoid starters became more common. Personally, in my opinion, the Fire Starter Zodiac conspiracy broke when XY came out with Fennekin, which means that Fuecoco was never the trend breaker.

  • Elberta
    Elberta Member Posts: 91 ✭✭
    25 Agrees 10 Comments Name Dropper First Answer

    No, I don't think this is true because Pokemon is a company that is starting to break trends, especially with the Legends Arceus and S/V games recently. This basically shows that the Pokemon company probably never established a pattern for the starters in the first place, but like @TheJeffers stated, this trend might've been the plan at the start, but they abandoned it later on, probably when the 3D games started, when Fennekin was intorduced, and humanoid starters became more common. Personally, in my opinion, the Fire Starter Zodiac conspiracy broke when XY came out with Fennekin, which means that Fuecoco was never the trend breaker.

  • Elberta
    Elberta Member Posts: 91 ✭✭
    25 Agrees 10 Comments Name Dropper First Answer

    No, I don't think this is true because Pokemon is a company that is starting to break trends, especially with the Legends Arceus and S/V games recently. This basically shows that the Pokemon company probably never established a pattern for the starters in the first place, but like @TheJeffers stated, this trend might've been the plan at the start, but they abandoned it later on, probably when the 3D games started, when Fennekin was intorduced, and humanoid starters became more common. Personally, in my opinion, the Fire Starter Zodiac conspiracy broke when XY came out with Fennekin, which means that Fuecoco was never the trend breaker.

  • BorealRookidee
    BorealRookidee Member Posts: 12
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