Best Pokémon Game?

Just wanted to see everyone’s opinion and reasoning.
Possible games can be from main series and side series!
I think GSC comprise the best games in the series for many reasons I have posted about before. Let me count the ways how GSC improved on RBY to set the direction for the future of Pokemon:
- Balance changes like splitting up the Special stat and fixing trapping moves
- Adding new beloved mechanics like eggs, held items, shinies, Steel and Dark types, moving Pokemon in boxes, Mystery Gift, and the Battle Tower
- Atmospheric changes like giving trainers names and calls for rematches and items, the day/night/week cycle, putting legendaries on the box and giving them a role in the story for you to seek out
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I think that overall, the games keep getting better and better. Obviously each game has it's flaws, but I love the improvements they make with each game. Remembering back to playing generation 1 Blue version and generation 2 Silver version is great, and I wouldn't trade those days for anything, but the new games and improvements keep me coming back.
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I liked the concept of the Stadium games. When I was younger and had friends over we'd have a little party. Stay up late and play the mini games or take turns going through the Gyms and Leagues. Best part was the ability to play early generations on the TV with the GamePak.
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I personally can't decide which game or generation of games is the best because Pokemon is so give and take. That said, I can narrow it down to 5 games from 3 categories.
Emerald, HGSS, and B2W2 are the standout old games that offer great postgame content, creative environments, and a charming art style that has stood the test of time.
Scarlet Violet are the best new games (though this title goes to the newest game by default) due to the breadth of QoL changes in shiny hunting, competitive team building, etc. Not to mention their 3D environments being the most ambitious to date.
Lastly, in a sort of in between category I pick ORAS as it retains the best blend of positive elements from the old and new games as well as having 721 playable pokemon.