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If you where a gym leader, what pokemon would you use and what would your gym be like?



  • Duskull101
    Duskull101 Member Posts: 36 ✭✭
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    I would be a Dark type gym leader and would be 6th or 5th. I would have Zorark, Muk, and Tyranitar (Ace).

    I gym challenge would be exporing rooms based on dreams to find keys to the next room, the final key going to the battlefield.

  • Cookerisreal
    Cookerisreal Member Posts: 11
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    Fire type, but only because of volcarona, volcarona is the greatest pokemon ever designed

  • HombreBotella
    HombreBotella Member Posts: 10
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    Psychic cuz its broken in real life

  • Dedenne90524
    Dedenne90524 Member Posts: 337 ✭✭✭
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    I would be a dragon type gym leader. I would be the final gym leader you face with my team being, Turtonator (level 44), Dralgalge (level 45), Altaria (level 47) and Garchomp (level 49) (ace). (I could’ve explained the moves if I wanted to)

    My gym challenge is just a basic puzzle where you can find trainers and tall grass.

    The Pokémon in the tall grass can be a Noibat, an Axew or a Goomy.

  • brokednkiwnoloc
    brokednkiwnoloc Member Posts: 11
    10 Comments Photogenic

    My gym would be a puzzle where if you lose, ur stuck there forever, and dragon or ghost

  • DylanVsTheWorld
    DylanVsTheWorld Member Posts: 82 ✭✭✭
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    I would be a rock type gym leader (I think) and I dunno about what place I’d be.

    My Pokémon would be:

    1. Golem
    2. Nosepass
    3. Archeops
    4. Rampardos (Ace)

    Nosepass could maybe be replaced with Cradily, but I want more Pokémon that actually LOOK like rock types.

    Anyway, my gym would be in a big old tower kind of like Sprout tower. There’s an elevator on the last floor, which can take you to the roof of the tower which is normally blocked off by rubble.

    To power it, there’s a huge balance scale with a heavy Pokemon on one side. You have to push/carry big rocks that you find around the tower onto the other side of the scale to power the elevator and take you to the roof where you face me.

    I imagine the roof would be foggy and it would be raining when you finally arrive, to build suspense.

  • Duskull101
    Duskull101 Member Posts: 36 ✭✭
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    @Cookerisreal I agree Volcarona is a great mon. His paldean form is my favorite out of all paldean forms.

  • puplover1118
    puplover1118 Member Posts: 531 ✭✭✭
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    @Duskull101 Which one?

  • Duskull101
    Duskull101 Member Posts: 36 ✭✭
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    @puplover1118 Slither wing, I forgot there was 2 lol

  • Acornyo
    Acornyo Member Posts: 753 ✭✭✭✭
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    I’d easily be the Dragon Type gym leader, and my team would be:

    Altaria, Dragonite, Appletun, Flygon, Dracozolt, and Goodra as my ace Pokémon.

    Instead of the Gym being all tense and tough looking, it would be a bakery, and almost like Larry’s gym, you’d have to order something special to be grated access. The baker would then “Invite you to the back” only for there to be an outdoor field where we battle. I’d be called “The Sweet Supremacy”.