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Missing Cards AFTER opening Packs!

I thought I was noticing the same pokemon popping from packs saying that it was my first copy when I know I had collected before... Then I just had x2 copies of the a Pokemon I got yesterday or day before... But when I go and look in the deck editor - I have only one of those two!

Has any one else noticed getting the same "first" copy or multiple and still only have one...


  • SrDeMajrea
    SrDeMajrea Member Posts: 4
    First Comment

    Just redeemed x5 packs of Crown Zenith... Which is supposed to be x30 more cards, but only got x25 cards! Which is -1 card per pack!

    You can't open x25 cards from x6 card pack!

    So what gives, and I can't believe I'm the only one to of noticed this?!?!

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,874 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    @SrDeMajrea Pre-SV packs give 5 cards (except Celebrations, which gives 4).