What was your first wild, non Story related, Shiny Pokémon?

Way back in Silver Version, I ran into a Wild Shiny Qwilfish.
I was super excited and managed to get its health into the red.
Then, when I went to grab a Poké Ball from my Bag.
To my absolute, I realized I was out of Poké Balls...
So I defeated it and sadly continued my journey.
Years later, I would find and catch a Wild Shiny Hoothoot in the Friend Safari.
Also, I would catch a Wild Shiny Hisuian Qwilfish in PLA.
What was your first non Story related Shiny Pokémon encounters? Were you able to catch them?
Random full-odds shiny Chansey in Violet.
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My first Shiny was a Shiny Tinkaton I got from a five-star Fire-Type Tera Raid in Violet. I had no idea what Shiny Tinkaton looked like, and had simply caught it to fill out my Pokedex, thinking that the reddish color of its hammer was just caused by the red walls of the den reflecting off of it. Afterwards, after looking at its summary, I realized it was a Shiny and flipped. I was so dumb UwU
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My first shiny was a Graveler in PLA. I was dodging Alpha gligar and his friends for practice to use against more bosses when I slipped off the cliff and nearly died, but when I turned to the left I saw it minding its business. If those gligar didn’t make me slip, I would have missed it. And since that day my shiny luck has been popping off.
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I found my first shiny in sword and shield crown tundra dlc, it was an armaldo, and I was so happy since it was my first shiny after all, the next shiny pokemon i got are a shiny shinks in legends arceus, then a shiny greavard in violet (full odds), a shiny wiglet (also full odds), and a shiny iron valiant (i used the glitch for it lol)
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I found my first shiny in sword and shield crown tundra dlc, it was an armaldo, and I was so happy since it was my first shiny after all, the next shiny pokemon i got are a shiny shinks in legends arceus, then a shiny greavard in violet (full odds), a shiny wiglet (also full odds), and a shiny iron valiant (i used the glitch for it lol)
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first shiny was shiny spheal in PLA, but first full odds shiny was a shiny magikarp in pokemon sun&moon (i have both and don't remember which i got it in)