pokémon evolution

Member Posts: 2 ✭
whats your favorite new evolution given to a pokemon (personally I like sirfeched)
Crobat is my favorite pokemon in general, and Golbat was the ideal candidate for getting a friendship evolution.
Porygon-Z, Ursaluna, and Dudunsparce are great too.
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Why has nobody replied with Clodsire?
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https://community.pokemon.com/en-us/discussion/comment/14563#Comment_14563You know what? Both Quilladin and Overqwil are great targets for extra affection!
Now I want to see a newly discovered Evolution of Pincurchin. It might just become a new spiky favorite of mine.
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Electdriver is awesome and alolan raichu is a way different direction to take raichu in
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For me its easily Basculegion, but if you mean actual current pokemon. Then probably Farigiraf