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Favorite and Least Favorite Rival?

D-ManBlue Member Posts: 383 ✭✭✭
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For me:

Favorite is probably Nemona- she's got a fun personality and her obsession with battles can get pretty humorous at times, especially in fan comics I've seen.

Least favorite is probably Blue- I know most people like him but I personally don't wanna play a Pokemon game with a guy who's always belittling and putting me down. Barry also didn't bother me much before, but I have a friend who despises him and the more I see of him the more I can understand where they're coming from.



  • SnivellingSnivy
    SnivellingSnivy Member Posts: 7
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    My favourite is probably Cheren due to how his motivations evolved throughout the first game and how he's still a very active character in BW2. I love when you team up with other characters, even when it's not for long.

    My least favourite is probably Marnie. She's the only rival who doesn't really contribute much to the story (at least compared to Hop and Bede), and I really dislike her mostly only using dark types as I was always able to beat her with only one team member (I have the same problem with Bede btw). To be more positive, her battle theme is great!

  • bakphooon
    bakphooon Member Posts: 12
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    Silver is my favourite.

    Least favourite is either May/Brendan for just being a blank state, and not even fully evolving their starter in RSE, or the Gen 6 rivals for just being annoying and weak.

  • RiqMoran
    RiqMoran Member Posts: 231 ✭✭✭
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    My favorite is also Nemona. It's an interesting twist having a rival that basically already beat the game as your companion. She has a great personality too.

    Dont really have strong feelings about the rest.

  • MrDuck761
    MrDuck761 Member Posts: 20
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    My Favorite rival has got to be Nemona just because how friendly she is and the fact that she is basically starting a "New Game+" because of her being the top champion but deciding to start again with a new team makes me enjoy her as a character.

    My least favorite rival is Bede just because how arrogant he is just because at one point he destroys a piece of galarian history just because he was finding wishing stars to dynamax his pokemon.

  • cpm1
    cpm1 Member Posts: 437 ✭✭✭
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    My favorite is nemona and my least favorite is volo

  • Elberta
    Elberta Member Posts: 91 ✭✭
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    Nemona is my favorite because she gives off the energy of striving to be a Pokemon Master like what everybody expected as a rival after looking at Ash and also has the motivation to change into a new team just to be on even footing with the player character. Least favorite is Bede because that guy is a jerk.

  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,662 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Green/Gary or whatever you call him. The first rival. He is not particularly complex, which he didn't need to be for the establishing game in the franchise on the Game Boy, but he still made quite an impression. He set the standard for what a rival should be.

    I never liked Hop. He feels like a discount Hau, and I didn't like Hau, although his story had a better conclusion in USUM.

  • Ravenclawed1234
    Ravenclawed1234 Member Posts: 864 ✭✭✭✭
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    Nemona is easily my favorite, I don’t have a least favorite though

  • MrDuck761
    MrDuck761 Member Posts: 20
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    My Favorite rival has got to be Nemona just because how friendly she is and the fact that she is basically starting a "New Game+" because of her being the top champion but deciding to start again with a new team makes me enjoy her as a character.

    My least favorite rival is Bede just because how arrogant he is just because at one point he destroys a piece of galarian history just because he was finding wishing stars to dynamax his pokemon

  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,662 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    https://community.pokemon.com/en-us/discussion/comment/14553#Comment_14553"Least favourite" does not necessarily mean bad. You can acknowledge that something does not personally appeal to you or may be weaker in some aspects without condemning it.

    Or are you saying Nemona is your favourite and all the others are on the exact same level?