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Regidrago VStar: Apex Dragon

When an opponent selects the Apex Dragon attack, the attack that is being copied is not announced to you. I end up wasting time in my turn while I search through my opponents discard to figure out what attack it was based on how much damage I took and math with modifiers, along with what pokemon is already in their discard. I am hoping this can be fixed in the future to speed up play time and prevent errors.


  • uncomonfossil
    uncomonfossil Member Posts: 194 ✭✭✭
    100 Comments Second Anniversary 25 Likes 25 Agrees

    Yes, this information should 'announced' to the opponent, rather than having to figure this out.

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    These devs for some reason really don't like showing things unless a card specifically says so.

  • PachirisuFan1
    PachirisuFan1 Member Posts: 189 ✭✭✭
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    Mew's Cross Fusion Strike does the same 😔 at least that one is usually only 3 possibilities, but i've seen regidrago run upwards of a dozen or more different attacks.