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  • Mister-Burkes
    Mister-Burkes Member Posts: 114 ✭✭
    10 Comments First Answer First Anniversary 5 Agrees

    Last but not least, please bring re-implement the automated tournaments that previously exited in PTCGO. If one of the goals of PTCGL is to help players prepare for live tournament play, then simulating that environment with round timers and tournament rules would be very beneficial.

  • jay33327
    jay33327 Member Posts: 1
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    would love to see some sort of win streak incentive. even if its just a basic multiplier for win rewards (coins, EXP, and battle pass EXP) that caps out at x2 or something after 10 wins.

  • grriffinn
    grriffinn Member Posts: 139 ✭✭✭
    100 Comments Second Anniversary 25 Likes 5 Answers

    Here’s another suggestion: give us an option to, during a match, downgrade our opponent’s cards to the lowest-available rarity (Hyper Rare/Ilustration Rare/Rainbow Rare/Full Art Rare Pokémon V/VSTAR/ex go down Ultra Rare, Secret Rare/Ilustration Rare/Rainbow Rare/Full Art Rare Trainers go down to Uncommon/Common/Rare/Holo Rare, Gold Rare Energy goes down to non-holo Energy, etc.) on their end. This suggestion has more to do with reducing player intimidation over punishing players for ”blinging” out their decks since this only affects one side of a match, your opponent still sees their decks as being flush with Ultra-Rare or higher cards.

    Unfortunately like the end match animation problem that’s been brought up multiple times already I really doubt Live’s dev team, let alone TPCi itself, will ever address this unless drastic (and tragic) events occur that could be linked back to said issues.

    @Mister-Burkes Code card redemptions are actually tracked, you have a fraction that pops up on the redemption screen and it shows how many products you redeemed and what the maximum is. For example, I have an old unredeemed code card for a Mythical Pokémon Collection Box featuring Mew (which redeemed for a Mew promo and two packs of Generations), a product I never redeemed on Live, and that’s listed as 1/4. That means I can redeem 4 codes for that specific product and that I can redeem 4 more since I never hit the redeem button. As far as other products go it varies from product to product (individual booster packs have a limit of 400, most boxes have a limit of 4, and IIRC ETBs have a limit of 1).

    @pikayou I’ve talked to several players IRL over the years, both for Live and Online, and they just found that kind of behavior to be obnoxious. It’s on a similar level to blinging out your deck but even more so since some avatar cosmetics had VERY limited runs that’d put even the rarest of cards to shame.

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    ... You can't be serious with that first part. How can you be that insecure about cards? Are you going to tell TPCi that they should enforce a rule in IRL tournaments that bans high rarities too?

    Devs, please ignore this one. Complete waste of dev time... I'm so confused. Do some of you just like... forget that this is a client for a real TCG?

  • Mister-Burkes
    Mister-Burkes Member Posts: 114 ✭✭
    10 Comments First Answer First Anniversary 5 Agrees

    @grriffinn Thanks, I should've clarified that I want to be able to have a screen where it displays all of that information without having to type in a code. I've redeemed codes from B&W base set through SV, so it'd be nice to have all of that info without having to create a spreadsheet or something to record redemptions for every code card in existence.

  • Drubble12
    Drubble12 Member Posts: 1
    Name Dropper First Comment First Anniversary

    @Mod_Skrilla There are a lot of things I would like to see added or updated, but here are what I believe to be the biggest 2 matters that should be focused on based on what I have observed from my fellow Pokémon fans:

    1. The game desperately needs a more beginner-friendly format similar to the Theme format in the PTCG Online. The ranking and matchmaking systems aren't enough to ensure players are playing at a level they are comfortable with and this can drive many players away. I understand that the PTCG Pocket may end up meeting some of that demand for more casual gameplay, but it would still be very beneficial to have a beginner format in the PTCGL that is closer to how Standard gameplay works for those easing into the Pokémon TCG for the first time and those who just want to play something less demanding. Perhaps it would only allow the use of Play Level 1 decks such as ex Battle Decks and V Battle decks?
    2. More gameplay modes outside of Ranked and Casual best of one matches is another thing that would be very healthy for those seeking more diverse gameplay options. In particular I would love to see the return of Tournaments for more competitive players and something akin to the Trainer Challenge in the PTCGO for those who want a more Single-player experience. Being someone who frequently browses online posts and comments in Pokémon communities, I cannot tell you how many times I have heard people wishing for an experience like the Game Boy Color game.

    If you took the time to read this comment, I would like to thank you sincerely. Best of luck on helping make the Pokémon Trading Card Game Live the best it can be!

  • grriffinn
    grriffinn Member Posts: 139 ✭✭✭
    100 Comments Second Anniversary 25 Likes 5 Answers

    You know, there are times when I can agree with what you say and then there are times when I think you’re brown-nosing the devs a bit too much. This issue falls in into the latter category.

    ... You can't be serious with that first part. How can you be that insecure about cards?

    I am, you’d be surprised at how intimidating (mentally speaking, if you’re intimidated physically then you should talk to someone like a Judge or get law enforcement involved) it can be for new players to go against a fully-blinged out competitive deck. At the lowest ratings most decks tend to run in the double-digits in terms of cost depending on your area (some may hit triple-digits but that’s become a rarity these days) and that can balloon into the quadruple-digits when a deck is fully blinged-out, it can certainly make someone feel small in grand scheme of things.

    Are you going to tell TPCi that they should enforce a rule in IRL tournaments that bans high rarities too?

    No, that’d be ludicrous. As far as the IRL TCG is concerned if you want to run a fully-blinged out deck because you have a planet-sized ego you’re more than welcome to.

    But I find this reasoning slightly flawed considering that TPCi, whenever they print the Worlds-winning (and one runner-up) decks as those World Championship Deck products, they always default to the lowest-rarity prints for the cards in those decks. I know that line’s Gardevoir ex deck , which is based on Tord’s Gardevoir deck, took a major downgrade in rarity to what he ran in Yokohama.

    I'm so confused. Do some of you just like... forget that this is a client for a real TCG?

    No, I’m well aware that this is basically a digital version of the IRL TCG. But that doesn’t mean it can’t be better than the IRL game in certain areas. They’ve already done that with the credit system and removing trading (allows people to easily create meta decks and prevents the formation of trading “companies” that influence the prices of cards in trading systems like Online’s). They just need to go further by addressing the lack of an in-match report button, giving us an on/off option for emotes, an on/off option for that dreadful end match animation, and hopefully this issue with blinged-out decks.

    Devs, please ignore this one. Complete waste of dev time…

    They certainly could, but that lack of care makes the game less approachable mentally speaking, just look at what Dire Wolf Digital had to do to Online’s in-match chat after they admitted that ”the trolls won” in regards to its toxicity. And that’s not getting into the rumors of “how” said trolls won…

    That makes a bit more sense, that‘s a feature that should definitely be made.

  • Blondish34
    Blondish34 Member Posts: 3
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  • Blondish34
    Blondish34 Member Posts: 3
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  • Blondish34
    Blondish34 Member Posts: 3
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    Hello trainers! started playing this game for the first time ever a few weeks and love it! there are a couple things i would love to see implemented to improve the game as well as make it look better

    • TRADING!!: this is a TRADING card game!! being able to trade cards between friends! it seems so simple but has not been done yet!
    • New music: the pokemon franchise has so many fantastic original music from games and shows that could be used and purchased with gold. songs from black and white, Hg/ss/ or any random towns theme song would be really cool to see in the game. Right now it is just the same song on loop non stop. it gets very repetitive very fast
    • Chat Box: having an optional chat box where you can chat with your oponent during a match could be fun. a little friendly banter or asking about how they made there deck. and you could then get there username and add them if they are nice so you can play again. the chats would need some kind of filter cause there could be some rage sent there but if made properly could be cool
    • Custom play mats: Each player would be able to see there own custom play mats on there own screen. could be maps from diffrent games where the charicters are moving around, pokemon jumping in a field, the ocean and having pokemon swim around, or a cave with zubats flying around. Just a bit more personalization to the game.
    • 3D?: this one is much more "farfetch'd" but having each card have a 3d model when you place it so it looks like an actual pokemon fight. similar to the video games but it uses the attacks and moves on the cards themselves. this is a much bigger task of coarse and would not be easy but if the team did manage to pull together and do this i could see this app being seen as the best TCG app ever.\
    • Better effects: Games like magic and yugio online have really cool effects for attacks when you use them. this game has some interesting visuals like when you use a fire move a burst of fire is overlayed on top of the oponents card. But having more unique effects for diffrent cards could look really neat
    • Custom victory screens. Kind of copying this idea from rocket leauge. But having a custom effect when you whin similar how to when you score a goal in that game. it could be like 3 charizards flying out of the board, a burst of lightning, a water pokemon swimming across the screen to show the victory screen. it would make for better customization
    • Make gold more useful: right now gold is only used to customize how a charicter looks or your card sleeves. once you have a cool setup you like there is no real use for gold after that. either adding mroe options for customization, new customization options, or a way to exchange gold for other forms of curency would make it more usefull
    • More interactive objects on the field: this sounds tacky but in other card games there might be little chests you can click on that do effects or monsters that run by you can click on. Somthing to look at/click on while you are setting up or are between turns. you could add pokemon showing up on the boarders, littel sprites riding bikes from diffrent games, or even legendary pokemon move under the play table itself so it looks like glass.