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Unable to Migrate TCG Online Account to TCG Live



  • Kappacopacabana
    Kappacopacabana Member Posts: 5
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    I've pretty much accepted that my account is gone for good at this stage.

    They clearly don't care whatsoever. You don't have to look further than the buggy mess PTCGL has turned out to be.

    There's no transparency, they don't even have the decency to make some kind of public acknowledgement. The fact that to even get a shred of communication, you have to deal with their lackluster support that just blatantly provides copy and paste answers is absolutely ridiculous.

    They tell me to be patient, but how am I suppose to be when I have no clue whether an attempt is even being made to fix the issue to begin with.

    All that time and money down the drain...

  • BeltwayBlue
    BeltwayBlue Member Posts: 2
    First Comment

    It works. Logged in a few hours ago. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE FILED A TICKET! They may have to do some account-level stuff to get you up and running again. All of my cards & cosmetics came over, but I am missing my crystals. Filing a separate ticket with them for that, but I'm in and it's great.