Lucky energy occasionally triggers multiple draws

I have had it a few time now that a single lucky energy attached on my blissey V triggered multiple draws.
This does not happen often, but it does happen occasionally.
When it happens the amount of extra draws varies from 1 extra to 3 extra draws. It does seem that after it happens the first time in a game, the chance of it happening again the next turn is high. With varying amounts of extra draws.
I do not think it is related to the amount of energy on my pokemon. I kept an eye out for it, and had it again yesterday where it triggered 4 draws while i only had one lucky energy and one capture energy attached
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I had a similar issue in my most recent match today. I used the Lugia VStar deck and my opponent used the Blissey V deck. I had a Lugia VStar active with three lucky energy attached. When my opponent's Blissey V attacked, I drew 12 cards instead of 3. The inactivity timer appeared while waiting for the last couple of card draw animations played.
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Happened to me yesterday as well. I had a very close match, both of us were nearly out of cards. I had 8 cards remaining in my deck, and had 3 Lucky Energy attached to Blissey. Getting attacked caused all 8 cards to draw instead of just 3 and resulted in a lost match because I couldn’t draw anymore :/
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Same here last week. Don't know if it is fixed already. Lost multiple games drawing to many cards. Stopped using lucky energy.
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@aja-online It's not fixed. There hasn't even been a patch.
@TPCi_CursedSoup Can this please be looked at? It's been going on for months and I'm sure the result of some programming shortcut...