What is your least favourite Eeveelution?

If you didn’t know already, I posted a discussion titled “What is your favourite Eeveelution” a few months ago (or maybe not a few months if you’re reading this in the future).
Anyways, design-wise it’s Sylveon, because the reason why I don’t dislike it is because it’s incredibly strong.
Probably Flareon(, I still like it, though).
Vaporeon is a fish. Jolteon is spiky and cool. Umbreon has a design that beautifully matches its type. Espeon takes a bit to get used to, but its simple design works. Leafeon looks so calm, I love those colours. Glaceon looks cool in more ways than one (also I love those shapes). Sylveon is adorable and fairy-like in every way possible.
And then Flareon is just red. Eevee looks fluffier than it. I don't hate it though, Gen 1 has worse ones, and Game Freak was making Pokémon for the first time.
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Leafeon. Its eyes are creepy. I like elements of the rest of the design, but those eyes...
Other than that Flareon is a little boring, I guess.
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I like them mostly the same but one that I think I like the least would be Glaceon.
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I dunno. Maybe Sylveon. I mean, don't get me wrong; Sylveon's incredibly strong and its shiny is nice, but honestly, like @Acornyo said, it's too feminine. (...Says the person who used to be absolutely obsessed with it.)
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Leafeon. It's not that I dislike it, but the leaf-like ears and tail design don't resonate with me as much as the other Eeveelutions.
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@Dedenne90524 My pokemon competition is up and you can do yours. Also I know this isn't part if the conversation it is just the most recent I could find.