What Pokemon deserves an evolution?

I think Lanturn and Maractus deserve evolutions!
Best Answers
They don't need evolutions, but I used to love dreaming up evolutions for Lapras and Absol, just because they're aesthetically some of my faves so I like to imagine what they'd look like :)
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Flutter Mane. An easy way to make one of the most broken Pokémon even stronger.
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Dunsparce and NO, it doesnt have one yet.
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Two picks of mine:
* Dewgong is one of the weakest and most forgettable gen 1 Pokémon, and could really use an evolution. Not only could the evolution be a formidable threat in its own right, but it'd let Dewgong use Eviolite and become surprisingly tanky, especially in the snow. It'd be funny if they kept up with the naming scheme and named it something like "Manaty" or "Selion".
* Carnivine. This is one of the most miserable Pokémon in the franchise — it has low and poorly-distributed stats, it levels up slowly, and it's available in a generation with much better, easier-to-get Grass-types in Torterra and Roserade. An evolution could really make Carnivine into the man-eating monster it was supposed to be, hopefully by pumping up its physical attack and overall bulk.
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Two picks of mine:
* Dewgong is one of the weakest and most forgettable gen 1 Pokémon, and could really use an evolution. Not only could the evolution be a formidable threat in its own right, but it'd let Dewgong use Eviolite and become surprisingly tanky, especially in the snow. It'd be funny if they kept up with the naming scheme and named it something like "Manaty" or "Selion".
* Carnivine. This is one of the most miserable Pokémon in the franchise — it has low and poorly-distributed stats, it levels up slowly, and it's available in a generation with much better, easier-to-get Grass-types in Torterra and Roserade. An evolution could really make Carnivine into the man-eating monster it was supposed to be, hopefully by pumping up its physical attack and overall bulk.
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Tauros. A gigantic bull thing would be awesome. Also Eiscue. Maybe like a penguin that has ice covering more of it's body.
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Mimikyu, Swalot, and Snorlax. I had these on my mind
Its a paradox pokemon, plus big stall wouldn’t be ready for dat