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What was the first starter pokemon you picked from the first pokemon game you ever played?



  • LucarioRay
    LucarioRay Member Posts: 18
    10 Comments First Anniversary 5 Agrees Name Dropper


  • Sonictrainer
    Sonictrainer Member Posts: 15
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    I picked Charmander back in Red Version, because Charizard was on the Boxart

  • MagicarpFisher9
    MagicarpFisher9 Member Posts: 218 ✭✭✭
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    Charmander in Fire Red. I think.

  • MajorBrendan
    MajorBrendan Member Posts: 1,970 ✭✭✭✭
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    Pikachu. Gold Silver, Cyndaquil.

  • UnovanZorua
    UnovanZorua Member Posts: 2,369 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    It depends on what you count as a first game or picked. I had a used copy of X as my first game, and I can somewhat remember that when I started playing, all it had was a level 99 Talonflame, and the trainer was in route 2, with the game finished and many full boxes of rare Pokémon. I restarted the game many, many years later but couldn't save all of the Pokémon by trading and didn't have Bank at the time.

    The first Pokémon game I really played was Pokémon Sun, because I learnt how to restart the game. I saved the important Pokémon like legendaries by trading them, of course (I still have the Solgaleo and Magearna from that save file, but I haven't found any other Pokémon and I can't remember any other Pokémon since this was back in 2016 or early 2017), and then restarted and picked Litten. I don't think Litten made it to the league as I remember that during a later playthrough (I loved restarting and replaying these games after finishing the credits), I saw completing the league with my starter for the first time was an achievement. I also remember that I usually boxed starters for the Legendary or when I reached the top of Mount Lanakila (with exceptions), so Litten was probably an Incineroar when I left it in the box.

  • Miraidon400
    Miraidon400 Member Posts: 53
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  • WildWorld1996
    WildWorld1996 Member Posts: 93 ✭✭
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    I only started playing the video games around four and a half years ago, when Sword and Shield were new, so my first game was Sword. In Sword, I picked Grookey as my starter. I don't really have a specific reason, but I usually pick the Grass-type starter.

  • JuliusVercelli
    JuliusVercelli Member Posts: 127 ✭✭✭
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    Soul Silver, Totodile.

  • Nikoshawott
    Nikoshawott Member Posts: 15
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    Pikachu from Pokemon Lets Go Pikachu