Do you think that Sirfetch'd will make its own comeback as in The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero? Why?

Yo! Hey, what's happening with you guys? Say, I'm just wanting to know if you think that Sirfetch'd will ever make its comeback as in The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero, the DLC pass for Pokémon Scarlet and Violet? Why?
Like in other cases for regional variants, these kinds of Pokemon are locked in their base regions. But with other forms like Alolan Ninetales returning at PLA and Alolan Pokemon at LGPE and SWSH, no one can say for sure. My only problem with some Galarian Pokemon is the Galarian evolution gimmick (ex. Galarian Corsola to Cursola). These Pokemon are unlikely to return in the following games due because they are locked in their forms. Galarian forms are only exclusive to Galar. The only Galarian Pokemon we can naturally get in SV is Perrserker.
To answer your question, we can expect regional variants from Galar and Alola to return in the DLC (look at the Alolan Exeggcutor in the Terarium at the Blueberry Academy Dome). Perhaps we can see Sirfetch'd there and other Galarian evolution mons. Personally, I want it to return. I haven't played SwSh, so it would be nice to use a cool Pokemon like Sirfetch'd on my team. If not, then we could only look forward to the future games. ☺️
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As long as Farfetch’d returns, yes.
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As long as Farfetch’d returns, yes.