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Sky Seal Stone Broken again?


I was playing against a Miraidon deck. I was down to 4 prizes they were down to 1. I hit their Regileki vmax and left it with 10hp, they of course retreated it and I bossed. I then used sky seal stone using my zacian and KOd the regileki and only got 3 prizes. the stadium in play was temple of sinnoh. They then came in and hit my Gardevoir EX for the KO and won. A game I had beaten but the vstar power simply didnt work!


  • Edurandomnumber
    Edurandomnumber Member Posts: 331 ✭✭✭
    5 LOLs First Answer 5 Agrees 5 Likes

    did you attacked with zacian? the way you describe it sounds like you used the ability on zacian but attacked with gardevoir.