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Ban Meloetta

KartanaDonk Member Posts: 9
First Anniversary

Ban Meloetta. The fusion strike deck is already over powered and over supported. It doesn’t need, and really shouldn’t have, access to this absurd, broken card. Fusion strike Meloetta is the reason the format is so badly unbalanced. It really should be banned, for the good of the game, and for all the players who prefer to play interesting and fun decks instead of this ridiculous glorified theme deck that the company, for some unfathomable reason, decided to drop on the format like a ton of bricks. Without Meloetta, it will probably still be the best deck in format, but the rest of us who play other things could have our game back instead of just knowing that if we match into fusion strike there’s an excellent chance the game will be over before it even starts. As if giving this deck the best draw engine ever printed, the most versatile attacker in the format, free retreat, ability protection, special energy acceleration from the deck, item based damage boost, hp boosting support ability, and damage counter spread; as if all that wasn’t enough, they gave them a stupidly overpowered single prize attacker that can ko V Pokémon in one hit on turn one, and also provides the most powerful attack in terms of base damage in certain situations. Please fix this by simply banning Meloetta, and give us our game back. It’s the right thing to do. Everyone hates this easy mode broken thing you made. Even people who play it know it is a problem. Banning Meloetta would keep it intact and usable by players who have invested in it, but would help to restore much of the balance that has been sorely missing in the standard format since Fusion Strike was unleashed.

thank you


  • superheri
    superheri Member Posts: 7
    First Comment

    Maybe it's juste elesa that should be ban because having the 3 energies to hit turn one is absolutely broken dealing 210 damage plus every capsule found in the way. Banning Elesa may just remove the problem first turn ang give at least one turn tu ajust against it.

  • SoroSorrow
    SoroSorrow Member Posts: 49
    5 Likes First Comment 5 Agrees First Answer

    This deck is broken indeed, but Meloetta is easy to KO. I don't think banning Meloetta is a solution. There are too many things that makes it that way and we all have a personal opinion about it.

    For me, I think what it too much, it is the second move of Mew Vmax. The fact that it ignores the effects on the opponent Pokémon. It simply removes all possible counter plays. For example Decidueye, Mimikyu, Dragapult, etc. These could be good counters to Mew Vmax, but not, it even has a move that cancel them...

    Anyway, this forum is not for that so of course some cards like that won't be banned. The only thing we can do, is play around that. Mew is not impossible to beat, I can beat with my Castform deck...

  • SoroSorrow
    SoroSorrow Member Posts: 49
    5 Likes First Comment 5 Agrees First Answer

    There is actually almost no counter play to this deck. It is too versatile so banning a single card won't change anything.

    For example, as I mentioned, the second move of Mew Vmax bypass all immunity.

    There is the Fusion Strike Energy too. It cancel all abilities, so quick shooting doesn't work for example. Even worse, there is an ability that turns off the Special Energy (Brilliant Star Dusknoir), but for some reason, the Fusion Strike Energy takes priority and cancel the ability while the ability is supposed to cancel the Energy...

    Everytime we find a certain counterplay "Oh no, this doesn't work against that deck"