Energy generation unstable

When running a deck with two or more energy types, the energy generated is so unstable. There are matches where I get only one specific energy basically throughout 10+ turns…
This hasn’t just happened once but multiple times, it feels like the energy generating algorithm is not play-tested.
It should guarantee the rotation between different energy or simply flip-flop between them. It feels awful that you have evolved your pokemon successfully but cannot attack because you simply have to rely on RNG to be able to attack just once in a single match.
I hope the team behind can see this and provide a solution, or there is no point in playing multiple energy decks, which is quite disconsolating.
You may have to many cards that might be one energy, leaving the ones ones with two or less cards…
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that's because you probably did not add three energies in your deck. that might be the reason…
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Multiple type decks should not be consistent. There needs to be a disadvantage to using multiple types and requiring more than one type of energy.
Otherwise everyone would use the same pile of the best cards, regardless of type.
Multi-energy decks being unreliable is not a bug, it's a feature.
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I do have two energies set in my deck, I am using the garchomp deck, the first evolution garbite and garchomp both need two different energies to attack, if I ran only these six pokemon that’s more than half of the pokemon that requires two different energies, how come I still keep getting the same energy every two to three matches?
This deck works out well, I’ve gotten 5 win streaks with it but the energy can really be a pain sometimes…
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My dragonite and garchomp simply cant play at all with the energy RNG, I having 10 streak of water energy and zero second energy roll to me at all! Please fix the game
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I once played Dragonite and only got water-type energy from the energy zone. All I could do was keep my Pokemon cards alive for as long as possible without being able to fight back even though I got 7 water energy and lost without attacking. That game was clearly lost because of the game itself. But I don't want to go to the point where the energy zones are constantly generating different types of energy every round because that might ruin the balance of the game.
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When you run multiple energies the chances are divided by the number of different types of energies you play. If it's two, it's 50/50. Which could still end up with you generating the same energy for more than 2 turns, bricking your match.
It's a balancing element. Dual type decks can be extremely consistent, so the dual energy RNG kinda keeps them in check.