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TURTLEEEEEE Member Posts: 480 ✭✭✭
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In pla, I don't have the shiny charm. I'm getting shiny hisuian braviaries from rufflet outbreaks. I'm getting 4 shinies in 2 minutes. I'm getting every shiny I don't want. I'm getting every shiny I really want. But the ONE shiny I REALLY want is nowhere to be found. AND IT ISNT EVEN THAT RARE OF A SHINY. What are the odds in this game? Every time I get one my friends are like "Your luck in this game amazes me" And I respond with "I guess the odds in this game are cracked." But what even are the odds and why am I getting so many shinies?


  • MonstaDash
    MonstaDash Member Posts: 390 ✭✭✭
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    Outbreaks are insane with shinies, RNGesus blessed the outbreaks.

  • Acornyo
    Acornyo Member Posts: 751 ✭✭✭✭
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     "But the ONE shiny I REALLY want is nowhere to be found. AND IT ISNT EVEN THAT RARE OF A SHINY. "

    It took me two years to get a regular shiny Turtwig. With completed Dex. 2. WHOLE. YEARS.

    And yet I still havent gotten Zorua over almost 3 whole years.

    TURTLEEEEEE Member Posts: 480 ✭✭✭
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    edited February 2 #4

    I accidentally got zorua 🤣. The ones I want are teddiursa or usrarang, scyther, and spheal.

  • clasingla
    clasingla Member Posts: 3,552 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    i feel you i just wanted a shiny oshawott and instead encounter a shiny alpha hisuian samurott

  • SirSneakerHead
    SirSneakerHead Member Posts: 24
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    @TURTLEEEEEE r u talking about PoGo ?

  • clasingla
    clasingla Member Posts: 3,552 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    pla stands for Pokémon legends arceus which is what he was talking about

  • SirSneakerHead
    SirSneakerHead Member Posts: 24
    10 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic

    😯 ohh

  • UnovanZorua
    UnovanZorua Member Posts: 2,369 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    (I am really sorry if this is unnecessary or if some of this is stuff you already knew)

    A lot of people here use shortened versions or acronyms instead of a game's full name. "PLA" stands for Pokémon Legends: Arceus. You can play it on the Nintendo Switch.

    Here's a list of most of them:

    RGBY/RBY (Pokémon Red, Pokémon Green, Pokémon Blue, and Pokémon Yellow, all games made for the Nintendo Game Boy. Pokémon Green is Japan exclusive. Pokémon Red and Green were the first Pokémon games and were released on the 27th of February, 1996 in Japan. Blue and Yellow were slightly different versions made later on, and Yellow is based on Ash's adventures in the anime.) RGBY is also called gen 1 (short for generation 1), being the first games.

    GS/GSC (Pokémon Gold, Pokémon Silver, and Pokémon Crystal, made for the Game Boy Colour. They're sequels to the first Pokémon games and take place in Johto, which is next to Kanto (Kanto is where RGBY take place). Kanto can be visited after finishing the main story. The Steel and Dark types were added in these games. Also, Crystal is a third version released a little bit later, which means it is an upgraded version.) GSC is also known as gen 2.

    RSE (Pokémon Ruby, Pokémon Sapphire, and Pokémon Emerald for the Game Boy Advance. Emerald is a third version just like Crystal. These aren't Sequels, but new games.)

    FRLG (Pokémon Fire Red and Pokémon Leaf Green for the Game Boy Advance. They are remakes (more modern versions) of the first games in the series.) FRLG and RSE are also called gen 3.

    DPPt (Pokémon Diamond, Pokémon Pearl, and Pokémon Platinum for the Nintendo DS. Platinum is a third version.)

    HGSS (Pokémon Heart Gold and Pokémon Soul Silver for the Nintendo DS. Remakes of Gold and Silver.) HGSS and DPPt are also called gen 4.

    BW/BW1 (Pokémon Black and Pokémon White for the Nintendo DS. They were controversial at launch due to only allowing you to catch new Pokémon until you finish the main story.)

    BW2 (Pokémon Black 2 and Pokémon White 2 for the DS. They are sequels to BW, and the story happens 2 years after the events of BW1. Due to the controversy, they made gen 1-4 Pokémon catchable before finishing the main story.) BW2 and BW are also called gen 5.

    XY (Pokémon X and Pokémon Y for the Nintendo 3DS. The first fully 3D games, and also added the Fairy type, along with an optional Exp. Share that made all your team gain Exp. Points after a battle.)

    ORAS (Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire for the Nintendo 3DS. Remakes of Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire.) ORAS and XY are also called gen 6.

    SM (Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon for the Nintendo 3DS.)

    USUM (Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon for the Nintendo 3DS. Upgraded versions of Sun and Moon, but the story is worse.)

    LGPE (Pokémon Let's Go, Pikachu! and Pokémon Let's Go, Eevee! for the Nintendo Switch. They're remakes of Pokémon Yellow but with features from Pokémon GO. You can also transfer Pokémon from Pokémon GO straight to this game.) LGPE, USUM, and SM are also called gen 7.

    SwSh (Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield for the Nintendo Switch. They're very controversial games because not all Pokémon are useable in it like in previous games (excluding LGPE). Unlike BW, you couldn't even transfer certain Pokémon to the game even if you beat the main story. A lot of other things in the game are frequently called lazy or bad, especially the story, attack animations, and the Exp. Share no longer being optional.) I've sometimes seen it called SS but that's rarely used due to the existence of Pokémon Soul Silver.

    BDSP (Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl for the Nintendo Switch, remakes of Diamond and Pearl. Terrible games. While previous remakes had some features from the third versions of a game, this one had none, and they added nothing other than the forced Exp. Share, Fairy type, and extra difficulty in the postgame, and they removed many very loved features from DPPt. I'd rather play Diamond or Pearl, despite them being some of my least favourite games in the franchise.)

    PLA (Pokémon Legends: Arceus for the Nintendo Switch, a game that occurs a few decades or maybe centuries before DPPt.) PLA, BDSP, and SwSh are considered gen 8.

    SV (Pokémon Scarlet and Violet for the Nintendo Switch. Due to being the first open world games of the franchise, they are a little controversial.)

    ZA/Z-A/PLZA (Pokémon Legends: Z-A for the Nintendo Switch. It still hasn't been released yet, and we don't know when it will be released.)

    PMD (Pokémon Mystery Dungeon, one of the most popular spin-off series in Pokémon).

    TURTLEEEEEE Member Posts: 480 ✭✭✭
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    Wait I just got spheal 🤣🤣🤣