Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
Friend ID: 1547931984419662 (Steve)
Looking for English ♦♦ (Priority Order):
- Cranidos (Space-Time Smackdown)
- Elektrik (Genetic Apex)
- Toxicroak (Space-Time Smackdown)
- Toxicroak (Space-Time Smackdown)
- Dusclops (Space-Time Smackdown)
- Luxio (Space-Time Smackdown)
Trading (all English):
- Almost any 2 Diamond, just let me know what you need and I most likely have a duplicate.
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Hi. Need some cards to trade.
1 diamond: nidoran male, froakie (1s set)
2 diamonds: Monferno (space and time)
3 diamonds: Butterfree, Vileplume, Arcanine, Gyarados, Jolteon, Alakazam, Nidoqueen, Snorlax (1s set); Volcarona, Tauros (mithycal island); Togekiss, Dusknoir, Darkrai, Bastiodon, Heatran (space and time)
4 diamonds: Venusaur Ex, Moltres Ex, Starmie Ex, Wigglytuff Ex (1s set), Celebi Ex, Gyarados Ex, Mew Ex (mithycal island); Palkia Ex, Pichirasu Ex, dialgia Ex (space and time)
If you have then to trade, just tell me what you need. Id: 6377188861666686
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Need gengar i can give you kangaskhan
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I need 4 diamonds: Pikachu EX, Machamp EX
I offer: Charizard EX, Blastoise EX, Gallade EX, Wigglytuff EX, Gengar EX, Glaceon EX
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I have kanghaskan, do you happen to have jolteon?
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I need 4🔶: Pikachu EX, Machamp EX.
I trade: Charizard EX, Blastoise EX, Gallade EX, Wigglytuff EX, Gengar EX, Glaceon EX
Friend ID is 6537734496277934
Name: Romarinho10
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Hello i have dragonair i want dawn, i send you friend invitation my user is reb