send when ready
take either.
sorry need GA vaporeon
or zapdos.
LF: Venusaur (3 diamond)
FT: Volcarona, Tauros, Leafeon, Empoleon, Magnezone, Togekiss, Dusknoir, Mesprit, Giratina, Rhyperior, Lucario, Regigigas
Friend Code: 7674085696502186
I can do for Dusknoir
Missing two 3 star card to complete.
Kangaskhan and Snorlax.
I quess I almost can trade all in return. Write here your 3 star cards you are missing. And if you can trade against mine missing cards.
ID 7680454015869958
Need mismagius ex. I can trad almost any ohter card of space and time smackdown
I can give you kangaskhan for gengar from genetic apex