Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
4232-9043-8133-1525 (friggins)
Looking for the following cards to complete some decks…
- A1 020 - Victreebel 𖢻𖢻𖢻
- A1 177 - Weezing 𖢻𖢻𖢻
- A1 184 - Dragonair 𖢻𖢻
- A2 092 - Lucario 𖢻𖢻𖢻
Offering just about any 𖢻𖢻’s and the following 𖢻𖢻𖢻’s…
- A1 007 - Butterfree 𖢻𖢻𖢻
- A1 203 - Kangaskhan 𖢻𖢻𖢻
- A2 012 - Torterra 𖢻𖢻𖢻 x2
- A2 046 - Glaceon 𖢻𖢻𖢻
- A2 053 - Magnezone 𖢻𖢻𖢻
- A2 065 - Togekiss 𖢻𖢻𖢻
- A2 076 - Mesprit 𖢻𖢻𖢻
- A2 078 - Giratina 𖢻𖢻𖢻
- A2 079 - Cresselia 𖢻𖢻𖢻 x2
- A2 114 - Bastiodon 𖢻𖢻𖢻
- A2 123 - Garchomp 𖢻𖢻𖢻
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In case anyone is interested and missed my previous comment, tcgpocketmarket is a great site for posting and viewing trades. Go check it out!
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hey, i can trade a graveler (GA) for a cynthia if you’re still available. i just sent a friend request!
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looking for aerodactl ex
Can trade mew ex Pigiot ex gallade ex and lickillicky ex and arcanine ex
Friend id 4185949857257785 name battery bug
If anyone can trade
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Can trade you Aerodactyl for lickillicky? Just sent you a request