Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
Looking for some STS cards to finish dex.
I need:
Mismagius ex
Gallade ex
Can offer:
Heatran (STS), Darkrai (STS), Dusknoir (STS), Togekiss (STS), Electivire (STS), Mamoswine (STS), Torterra (STS)
Infernape ex (STS) , Marowak ex (STS) , Dialga ex (STS)
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searching for:
2 diamond: Cynthia
3 diamonds: Charizard (x3), Shaymin (A2 022), Magmortar, Electivire, Lucario,
1 star: Pidgeot, Shaymin
(still need but less worried about these 1 stars) Combee, Spiritomb, Bidoof, Regigigas
(just ask about any 1 or 2 diamonds)
3 diamonds: Venusaur, Exeggutor, Arcanine, Flareon, Mewtwo, Melmetal, Kabutops, Hypno, Gengar, Articuno, Lapras, Raichu, Eelektross, Nidoqueen, Dragonite, Ditto, Aerodactyl, Mew, Tauros
1 star: Cubone, Alakazam, Pinsir, Exeggutor
my friend code is 8603193846447239 just lmk what you want to trade for :3
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I have Electivire can trade for your Eelektross?
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i can do that!
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@bayswish We can’t trade anything from Triumphant Light yet, but when the packs switch over, I’ve got a Marill with your name on it!
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looking for aerodactl ex
Can trade mew ex Pigiot ex gallade ex and lickillicky ex and arcanine ex
Friend id 4185949857257785 name battery bug