Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
yep, can do both. Sent you kabutops first
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@SasukeUchihax I just sent you a one star charmander for your spiritomb.
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wait sorry, what's your screen name?
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anyone have an extra Dialga EX,
I have for trade Darkrai EX, Glaceon EX,
my id : 5638 3345 4513 0662
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Hey friends! I'm in need of 02 cards to complete GA:
Lapras ∆∆∆
Pikachu ∆∆∆∆
ID: 8197621161350569
Username: DENGUEROCA420
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have lapras
also regigigas flareon melmetal snorlax marshawdow poliwrath kabutops magneton ditto areodactyl
lf moltres zapdos Charizard vaporeon greninja gengar mewtwo nidoqueen weezing dragonite torterra leafeon rhyperior
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Already sent you the Weezing, I'm guessing is the GA one because is ∆∆∆ (;
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looking for articuno EX.
Have venusaurEX, charizardEX, BlastoiseEX, StarmieEX, ZapdosEX, WigglytuffEX, MewEX, YanmegaEX, ProbopassEX
to offer.