Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
Hey! need to recover stamina but will send the Giratina for Omastar in a day!
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I have what you want (Palkia) and you have what I want (Venusaur) :)
Adding you as a friend.
My ID: 1657356594785082
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I have plenty of starmies ex.
my id: 1657356594785082I would like LeafeonEX.
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Hello, I’m looking for:
Can offer:
Beedrill, Arcanine, Flareon, Lapras, omastar, greninja, golem, kabutops, Muk, pidgeot, snorlax,
Mystical Island:
serperior, volcarona, Vapereon, Raichu, golem
Spacetime Smackdown:
Torterra, leafeon, shaymin, empoleon, glaceon, magnezone, electivire, luxray, togekiss, cresselia, darkrai, garchomp, regigigas
Add me:
6723495013696909 (name: musslos)
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Looking for:-
Gemetic Apex
3 diamond —> Gardevoir
Space-time Smackdown
3 diamond —> Magmortar, Glaceon, Magnezone, Dusknoir, Rarkrai
Triumphant of Light
3 diamond —> Carnivine, Raichu, Rotom
Can Offer :
Genetic Apex
3 diamond —> Butterfree, Vileplume, Victreebel, Charizard, Vaporeon, Raichu, Zapdos, Magneton, Mewtwo, Weezing
Mythical Island
3 diamond —> Volcarona, Mew, Vaporeon, Golem, Marshadow, Tauros,
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Can trade a Rampardos for either of these two.
102 - Jolteon 𖢻𖢻𖢻A1
149 - Golem 𖢻𖢻𖢻