Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
traded that dupe just a bit ago sorry! anything else?
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@JamJamMarsh Deal for all 3.
FC: 0672642240303928
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Seeking: Venomoth, Marowak, and Erika.
Have: Lum Berry, Bronzong, and Toxicroak.
4232-9043-8133-1525 (friggins)0 -
@ywns sorry I don't know if my message sent before but I sent you a friend request. Do you have a Kabuto 158/226 or a Lickitung 201/226?
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I can do a Rampardos for a Mesprit. I sent you a request if you agree.
ID: 3848152271383422
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Hey I have these cards:
- Toxicroak (Space-Time Smackdown)
- Dragonair (Genetic Apex)
- Piplup (Space-Time Smackdown)
Message me if you want to do the trade I need a bunch 1 and 2 diamonds too.
ID: 3848152271383422
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hello, I’m looking for illustrated Spiritomb from Space-Time Smackdown (Palkia). If anyone is interested, let me know please! My friend code is 0144438987077141
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@ywns I responded. thank you
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Looking for Dialga EX and Darkrai EX.
Can trade Glaceon EX for it.
ID: 7532461224653680