Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
Need, 4 día mew two, 3 día snorlax, poliwrath, machamp, golem, omastar
Let me know what you need?
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have a mewtwo ex for my blastoise ex?
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@DqddyDqnny I can give machamp, if u have any from my list
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@Kripamon I can Bronzong or Rhydon for either/both Charmeleon and/or Monferno.
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Hello, I can offer Bronzong and Rhydon. Looking for Cranidos and Giant cape.
ID 2763-9416-3221-7595
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@legolas_hawkeye I have a 3 diamond mew, do you have a GA snorlax, GA golem, machamp, poliwrath, or omastar?
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Looking for Arceus ex x2
Can offer:
Venusaur ex x2, Exeggutor ex x2, Arcanine ex x2, Starmie ex x1, Articuno ex x2, Gengar ex x2, Marowak x2, Wigglytuff ex x2, Gyarados ex x2, Pidgeot ex x1, Yanmega ex x1, Infernape ex x2, Palkia ex x1, Pachirisu ex x1, Mismagius ex x1, Gallade ex x2, Weavile ex x2, Darkrai ex x1, Dialga ex x1, Lickilicky ex x2 and Glaceon ex x1.
Can mix and match
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@DqddyDqnny i think you are reading my list wrong, bottom ones i have, top ones i need
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Looking for 4 diamond Gengar EX.
I can offer:
Starmie EX
Machamp EX
Marowak EX
Wigglytuff EX
Gyrados EX
Mew EX
Pacharisu EX
Friend code: 9183807692568424