Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
@Rushuur sent friend request from saksham0711, accept it and send drifloon for lucario please
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looking for genetic apex cards. Specifically 004 Venasaur Ex, 076 Starmie Ex, 125 Hypno, 146 Machamp Ex, and 185 Dragonite.
I’m willing to trade any cards I have dupes of. I have a full collection of mythic islands. Most cards for all genetic apex. And most cards from space time smack down.
Trainer Id: 9584655162626842
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looking for genetic apex cards. Specifically 004 Venasaur Ex, 076 Starmie Ex, 125 Hypno, 146 Machamp Ex, and 185 Dragonite.
I’m willing to trade any cards I have dupes of. I have a full collection of mythic islands. Most cards for all genetic apex. And most cards from space time smack down.
Trainer Id: 9584655162626842
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@Javyerz please initiate trade with me (sakshampikachu) , send leafeon i will send pidgeot
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Looking for
3 diamond —> mamoswine, empoleon, togekiss, leafeon, rhyperior, rampardos
4 diamond —> dialga-ex, lickilicky-ex
Can offer :
3 diamond —> venusaur, greninja, weezing, pidgeot, kangaskhan, ditto, volcarona, vaporean(MI), raichu(MI), mew, tauras, torterra, glaceon, mespirit
4 diamond —> blastoise-ex, zapdos-ex, marowak-ex, pidgeot-ex
ID: 3952-1383-9177-1298 (sakshampikachu)0 -
bulanda sent me leafeon, what do u need in return bro?