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Pokemon Forums Edition: Part 14

Acornyo Member Posts: 750 ✭✭✭✭
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Esbern ran in, holding a whole bunch of baked goods. He had a bit of a sweet tooth.

Esbern: Hey Blake! Sorry I'm late, I saw some pastries and… anyways, what happened to Sophie? I saw her running away from here crying. Did you do something…?

Blake: N-no! I was just letting Yamask out and her Popplio started attacking it! Then she just gave Popplio to Nurse Joy for a bit and ran off! Do you think it had something to do with Popplio?

Esbern: Maybe… come on! Get Popplio and let's go!

Blake politely takes Popplio back before running after Esbern

Blake: We don't even know where she went! Slow down!

Esbern: I know Sophie! She probably went to that scenic overlook just before town.

Blake: Oh yeah… the one that looks like it's from a social media post! That place is stupid…

Esbern: Just hurry up!

Eventually, they make it to the overlook, where they spot Sophie sitting on a bench

Blake: Hey, Soph… you okay?

Sophie: Y-yeah… I'm fine. Just thinking.

Blake: You sure you're okay? You look like you're about to-

Sophie starts sobbing a little bit Sophie: I feel like I'm not a good trainer… Popplio wouldn't even listen to me…

Esbern: Sophie, let's be real, you're doing the best out of the three of us! Popplio loves you, she just isn't used to new faces is all…

Sophie: You think so…?

Esbern: Yeah. We even brought Popplio to say sorry.

Sophie immediately grabbed Popplio and hugged her, before hugging the boys.

Sophie: Thank you guys.

The trio then decided to call it quits for the night, and go to the PokeCenter to sleep for the night.

