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I Love The Game/Hate How People Play



  • Kurocaidoz
    Kurocaidoz Member Posts: 11
    Name Dropper First Comment

    @OlderAngel11 What are you talking about? I used periods.

  • OlderAngel11
    OlderAngel11 Member Posts: 1,814 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Uh, no you didn't. You used a single period at the end of each paragraph. Are you talking about commas? Yeah, you've got plenty of those, but not enough periods.

  • Perfect_Jab
    Perfect_Jab Member Posts: 100 ✭✭✭
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    @Kurocaidoz i dont think you read anything thats being said. Again. Im not trying to be rude or ignorant. But its like you dont read anything said in prior comments. An i feel like i just keep saying the samethings over an over again. I can move up through ranked an battlepass with no problem. The rewards DONT matter much to me anymore. I use ALL kinds of different decks utilizing different stategies. Yes! There are way more cards that are just useless. Filler. Nobody is using them, nobody is putting them in their decks. Again, not saying these matches NEVER happen or that i NEVER play against players with decent builds or dont use some version of charizard. But majority of matches are! Majority of matches are against meta decks that ramp up an wipe out by second turn. Theres other factors that come into play as well. But its lost its fun factor for me. I dont care win or lose. But most of the time its not enjoyable, trying to actually have a decent match seems rare.

    Players have been asking for more then just casual an ranked. An you can take a pre made deck an changed a few cards, so it would be pointless to make something that doesnt allow already made decks.

    Yes i use to enjoy playing before. Before all the instant kill cards started being added. Not everybody plays the same, this is true. But cards the use are an most of the time its the same method. Majority of decks are played the same. Second turn looking to evolve to strongest stage an attack doing most damage you can taking out as much as you can. Unless you play a stall deck. But they dont have much luck at winning now.

  • Cincinnatusmax
    Cincinnatusmax Member Posts: 1
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    Personally I have used the decks provided because I’m trying to learn how to play at all. After 4 total games I have lost 3 and won one because someone conceded. I have imported some cards though and am changing the deck to something more useful for me. Currently using the Arcanine EX, and I think it has to many Pokemon and the wrong trainers. Guess we find out.

  • Perfect_Jab
    Perfect_Jab Member Posts: 100 ✭✭✭
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    More i play the more disgusted i am with this game. Like is this fun?? Waste of my time anymore. 10 matches of conceding right away. An there several different causes of it, an NOT just me conceding right away either. So dumb an just aggravating pointless back an forth.

    Between the horrible draw rng that deals the hand an the CONSTANT cards im dealt 90% of the matches. I play 10 matches that dont make it past whover goes 2nd. Regardless of the deck i use, i take mulligens 8 of the 10. Then with instant evolution of eevee an being able to attack right away, leads to players conceding or they only were dealt 1 pokemon to start an lose. Its a joke anymore. I dont get it an dont see the enjoyment.

    Try to give it a chance, but just lose interest right away.

  • Water-Kriz24
    Water-Kriz24 Member Posts: 79
    10 Comments 5 LOLs First Anniversary 5 Agrees

    Get used to it… the Pokemon Company doesn't care… at all

  • OlderAngel11
    OlderAngel11 Member Posts: 1,814 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    I can say with confidence that the irl meta is much more interesting and diverse than the TCG LIVE meta. I have been testing my deck for EUIC, and was somewhat annoyed to find that everyone in the lower ranks is playing Eevee or Charizard. So let me just say that while I have criticized you in the past @Perfect_Jab for complaining about the meta and the lack of diverse decks, I apologize for that, as I don't play LIVE very much and was a bit uninformed on all that was going on. I do feel that I have significantly worse opening hands on LIVE than I do irl, which might just be bad luck, but is pretty suspicious. And I do agree that the meta on LIVE is and aggravating and boring. Certainly much less exciting than when I play tournaments at my league.

  • sailor071414
    sailor071414 Member Posts: 1
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    Make friends with those playing the same way of yours. And also understand others may have different ways to play.

    I played PTCGOL five years ago, and back to Live yesterday. I don't recognize any decks and cards now, because all cards I played years ago are no longer include in this game. So, the first thing I have to do is to copy a deck from others, try my best to collect required cards, and start my first play in Live.

    Be a freshman, you have to copy a deck as a start. play the first game, gradually undertand the rules and environment, and accumulate resources. this is the necessary process.

    After this process, I may start to create a deck myself, which needs an appropriate knowlegde of this game. I may make friends you. but not now, I'm still in the process.

    let's make it step by step.

  • Tumberlin
    Tumberlin Member Posts: 8
    First Comment Name Dropper

    So as I said at the beginning of all this right, at the very start it's not a issue I understand people need to learn the game. The problem is a majority of players DO NOT branch out and build their own decks. It's been a couple months since this post and I'm still running into the same 6 decks but now with the evolve first turn eevee cards (which are busted and can literally end a game turn one and I hate that they gave it that ability).

  • Xaffe
    Xaffe Member Posts: 1
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    Agreed, I think a non-meta playlist would be interesting. The most popular card combinations would be banned and players would need to vary their decks by a certain percentage away from the popular meta. This would create a fun space for deck builders to try new things.

    I see people here obviously disagreeing with your sentiment. However, as it currently stands we just have a total arms race towards the best cards (which don't have good counters yet) so the inevitable outcome is just always going to involve players using the best cards.

    The videogames have a similar issue with competitions where the same pokemon get used time and time again, and so a smart way of getting around this is to create different competitions with different rules. You include a rule like "only unevolved pokemon" and you get something like the Little Cup.

    The TCG could do with something like this.