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I Love The Game/Hate How People Play



  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    You have gotten 100x more negative out of nowhere. What happened?

  • DoubleCure
    DoubleCure Member Posts: 1,565 ✭✭✭✭✭
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  • fafnitchaos
    fafnitchaos Member Posts: 39
    Second Anniversary 10 Comments Name Dropper 5 Agrees

    The old version was you played budget, or got lucky, or spent money. This game basically gives you meta, I have 12 Charizard EX cards, and I never pulled or played a Char-EX deck.

    While It is nice that we have that option - and even though 2 Char-EX cards can do some steam rolling... IT IS NOT MEW VMAX - That thing was meta For way too long heck it's old standard version is on par with most expanded decks.

    balance is not a strength in this TCG.

  • Perfect_Jab
    Perfect_Jab Member Posts: 94 ✭✭
    25 Agrees 10 Comments 5 LOLs Photogenic

    I really dont see how its hard to build your own deck or get the cards needed. Like someone else said, they basically give all the meta decks away for free. Daily get game currency for a cpl matches. An the battle pass gives away packs for doing those same cpl matches. An you can just go in an use currency to get ANY card you want.

    @TheJeffers bro, you get way to deep into it. But its a bad comparison. Surgery an choosing a doctor an the doctors choice of study etc etc, holds alot more weight then a card game. The outcome of one is much greater then the other. I never said stupid...just lame.

    And nobody has to reinvent the wheel, i dont think theres any problem with building a deck the same as the ones you see winning tornaments. But there is alot of variety there.

    For me its charizard, an How flooded the game has been with that deck. I dont care how you build it, seems to always play the same way. I dont know, guess im different. Just think its boring running the same overpowered deck all the time. It would be the same in any game. I

  • Kawira
    Kawira Member Posts: 3
    First Comment Name Dropper

    It's simple - 90% of ANY TCG players are very bad at the game and can't make any decent deck themselves so they copy some top cookie cutter trash from the internet. Just make anti-meta decks and watch their tears flowing. I personally hate Charizard ex and Raging Bolt to the bone (especially Charizard for how stupid broken that card is but since most players run it - it's easy to counter).

  • Tumberlin
    Tumberlin Member Posts: 7
    First Comment Name Dropper


    I've given it a few months just to see how I would feel after going over everyone's comments and responses. Some of them were constructive and a few were not. I've learned ALLOT over these few months and wanted to put this out there.

    I've tried honestly to enjoy the game and for the most part I have but I find myself very annoyed. This particular gripe is still tied into my original issue but is kind of aimed at the community itself (so I'm prepping myself for the hate mail and responses). It's one thing to used the emotes the game provides for general communication, it's another thing to constantly troll with them when you may have the upper hand with a meta deck you found online which is wild to me because in doing that it implies a sense of skill and pride that at this point I don't believe has been earned.

    I've gone through allot of trial and error and have created a few decks that I'm happy to say handle a majority of the current meta decks well (which either result in people leaving before the match is over before the final knock out or when their meta card has been wiped out). I can safely say at this point win/loss in these situations are about 80/20. I'm proud of that fact and this isn't my problem. However I will say that it's becoming boring to play against the same decks over and over and over again. And this is a problem regardless of ranked or not. Because these decks basically have one strategy to win, I instantly know what deck I'm against the second I see one or two cards as the game begins. It's like playing a single player game and doing the same level repeatedly. After a while you don't feel a sense of fun and pride for beating it, it's just a annoying time filler.

    To a point I 100% get this being a thing for new players trying to get a grip and learn the game. For players who have a deep understanding who do this simply 'because the point is to win' I legitimately feel like it's lazy to do. I don't see how any sense of accomplishment is felt doing it this way. Again I get when playing a game you want to win and so do I but it feels like allot of people care more about the number of wins they have rather than the work it takes to get them. And if that's the case that's fine but the thing that's starting to grind me are the players that are claiming that THEIR deck and THEIR strategy is what's getting them the win. Again these are wild and just false statements. If you had to copy a deck and strategy verbatim it is in no way yours. You did the equivalent of looking up a strategy guide, but in a multiplayer faceted game. If you build a deck that way and then edit it to make it your own 100% understandable because that took thought and process I have no personal issue with that.

    Now there was a player here who originally tried comparing doing this to surgeons doing the same thing over and over again for same "winning" result of saving lives. This is a common case of comparing something drastically more important than the actual subject at hand to try to justify it. They are in no way shape or form the same. When playing a multiplayer game the idea is the skill aspect along with the tools at hand make winning the game rewarding. If you have fun playing the game this way, power to you and honestly now that I have myself had time to learn more about how not immediately lose to these types of decks because allot of them have similar short comings the "busted" nature of them isn't a issue. I'm just saying if you're going to play this way acknowledge what you're doing, don't be a jerk when you win and definitely don't try to say you earned it on your own 100%.

    Major case and point, would love not to play against the same 4 decks for months on end (Variety spice of life), don't be a troll if you win especially if it's due to a meta deck and don't claim for strategies and decks to be yours if you copied them verbatim just because you are personally using them.

    Ok I'm ready for the angry/upset responses.

  • Joemcf09
    Joemcf09 Member Posts: 2
    Name Dropper First Comment Photogenic

    I absolutely can’t stand the emote feature in this game, I wish they gave an option in the settings to enable or disable on your end.

  • OlderAngel11
    OlderAngel11 Member Posts: 1,796 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    ONE MILLION AGREES BRO YES!!! Pokemon, please remove the emote button!

  • Jclifton894
    Jclifton894 Member Posts: 1
    First Comment

    it’s a bad time to be charizard fan lol

  • Todzyo
    Todzyo Member Posts: 12
    10 Comments Second Anniversary

    Tumberlin, in the current state of PTCGL you have to play with friends (proper ones) only if You want to get the kind of fun You talking about. And I guess such advice acceptable to the real TCG as well. Or You need the draft mode if it exist somewhere out of PTCGL.