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Uptheironschris Member Posts: 1

As a brand new TCG online/live player I’m struggling to find motivation to keep playing. This is due to the fact that I keep getting matched with opponents that clearly have upgraded their decks and I am completely out ranked .This is the case for Casual and Ranked. Having the standard decks is great and does help (somewhat) but there is something clearly wrong with matchmaking. Surely there has to be some “normal” league group where beginners match off with standard decks supplied or something. If I recall, with TCG Online you could square off with the CPU in a bunch of battles to earn boosters etc.



  • DifuntO_O
    DifuntO_O Member Posts: 7
    Second Anniversary 5 Agrees First Comment

    This is a beta so there aren't too many people playing, most of them are still on PTCGO.

    People treat casual as a way to test their decks without losing ranked points so they play the same decks there.

    It's true that PTCGL seems to be much worse for more casual player especially since Theme decks are gone. I hope we get other modes like a no-rulebox mode for example or another mode that would even the playing field somewhat.

  • SoroSorrow
    SoroSorrow Member Posts: 49
    10 Comments First Answer 5 Agrees 5 Likes

    My main issue right now is not really the opponent I'm match against (the pre-built deck are actually really OP and, with some modifications, can even beat the infamous Fusion Strike deck ), but the time before finding a match. I had no problem for the first two weeks, but since this week, it can take up to 30 minutes to find a single opponent... It's the same in Casual and in Ranked. And I'm not even exaggerating...

  • DBBB
    DBBB Member Posts: 0

    I think it would be great if they brought back themed mode. That was mostly what I played on the previous app since I'm not the greatest at building decks and it's more common to go up against OP decks currently.

  • BluWrld
    BluWrld Member Posts: 1
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    TCGO was great for teaching my son how to play the game but every Live game has been against stacked decks, even at lvl 1 ranked. If there isn’t going to be a practice/training mode vs a PC then ranked should at least put you up against other lvl 1 players (not lvl5+)

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
    2500 Comments 500 Agrees 250 LOLs 250 Likes

    @BluWrld That's why there's also a casual ladder. You shouldn't have moved your son to unfinished software though.

  • ZenonBerlin
    ZenonBerlin Member Posts: 28
    10 Comments Photogenic

    You can always try out your deck against NPC by clicking on Test in the Deck Menu to test out a deck.

  • Sybarious
    Sybarious Member Posts: 1
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    I definitely feel the same way, there's no crawl-walk-run in this game, every time I want to play I get put against a player with custom high-performance decks. In its current state, the game is not beginner friendly.

  • Betrayze
    Betrayze Member Posts: 83 ✭✭
    25 Agrees 10 Comments First Anniversary First Answer

    This is down to it being much easier to get a good deck now. You can redeem like 50 codes of any set and get enough credits to build any top deck.

  • AlexeiH
    AlexeiH Member Posts: 2
    First Comment
    edited December 2022 #10

    I think what's really happening here is your rank affects your "luck" in-game. You get to a point where either your hand is bad, your deck order is bad, your important cards are all in the prize area or your opponent having a "perfect" hand, the just right cards or every combination of these just like when you started the game you could win almost every match but in reverse. You can keep losing matches due to that glass ceiling and when you get lower in rank you start to win matches again. All of this regardless of your deck or your skill (good or bad).

    Clearly there's going to be monetization in the future and it's a common "feature" on free to play games such as this that the paying players gets more lucky than the free players even if it's not explicitly "pay to win" or, at the beginning, you're somehow more powerful in order to hook you into the game.