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What kind of in game compensation for the energy attachment bug?



  • Mrakulis
    Mrakulis Member Posts: 1
    First Comment

    BP was free anyway. I'm just glad the bug has been brought to their attention and they're working on it. Stuff like this always happens in a beta, and we should expect quite a few more since its a global beta and there would be a much greater stress on the servers.

    We've been having maintenance down time quite often, which shows they are actively working on the known bugs and on optimisations.

    Just have some fun with the things you can do. Can at least try fit in the daily quests using dif deck that might not have that issue. I found that I only have that issue when attaching by ability, so I've been playing outside of that bug.

  • Fox13096
    Fox13096 Member Posts: 35
    5 Agrees Name Dropper First Answer 10 Comments

    TechHog, I get that you're trying to make a point, but I don't think you're going about it the right way. Being rude to someone is not the answer. I'm sorry you have a heavy workload, but that gives you no right to talk disrespectfully to others. Honestly, I only have maybe a half hour a day that I play, IF I PLAY. I am still progressively making my way up the tree. I know he was aggressive, but you have been equally so in the tone you took with him.