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What were everybody's first Shiny Pokémon?



  • OlderAngel11
    OlderAngel11 Member Posts: 1,811 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    My first shiny was a shinx in Scarlet on like, the first route. Then, later on in my journey, I accidentally killed a shiny Hawlucha…😢

    As for pokemon go, my first shiny was a Gible that I noticed when pulling out my phone to check after getting a table at a resteraunt.

  • Dedenne90524
    Dedenne90524 Member Posts: 337 ✭✭✭
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    My first shiny was a Snivy in Pokémon go which I transferred lol

    My 1st shiny in the main games was a shiny Skiddo

  • clasingla
    clasingla Member Posts: 3,534 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    I think my first shiny non static was pineco in go but my first shiny from mainline was kricketune from legends arceus

    (My favorite shiny experience was catching a shiny alolan graveler and then 10 min later catching a shiny abomasnow in violet)

  • WhiscashIsCool
    WhiscashIsCool Member Posts: 37
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    Lileep in Pokémon Go(has a pretty good shiny too)

  • puplover1118
    puplover1118 Member Posts: 531 ✭✭✭
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    Technically, my first shiny was from one of the shiny events in Sword/Shield. As for the first outside of events, either a Paras in Legends: Arceus or a Weedle in Go.

    As for notable shiny experiences, I have four:

    First, in my first playthrough of Scarlet, when it first released, I caught a regular Azurill and decided to have an Azumarill on my team. However, I was getting impatient with evolving it (as you do with friendship evolutions… even though it was still early in the game) when I found a shiny Marill. Let's just say that the shiny stayed on the team.

    Second, also in Scarlet, I encountered a shiny Rellor. It was the first time I saw it and its shiny, so it was a nice and certainly hilarious surprise.

    Third, once again in Scarlet, this time in the Indigo Disk, while I was grinding BP in the Coastal Biome during Christmas Eve, I found a shiny Galarian Slowpoke. One caught Pokemon and discussion with friends on what to name it later, and Jesus was sent to my boxes.

    Finally, this time when I returned to my copy of Ultra Sun, I was absolutely shocked when I encountered a shiny Crustle after playing the Ultra Warp Ride for a little (I didn't know that shiny chances were increased to, at minimum, 1/100 for non-legendary and non-Ultra Beast Pokemon).

  • CInnaBox
    CInnaBox Member Posts: 52 ✭✭
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    it was a shiny Trumbeak in pokemon sun, I liked randomly doing encounters on route 8 to see what I got, and somehow I knew what shinies were, I closed my eyes to see what a randomly found and my brother blurted out that it was shiny, I took that Toucannon all the way to the elite 4 that I couldn't beat because I was 7 and didn't understand anything, and because of my small and dumb at the time brain I TRADED IT AWAY because I "wanted someone else to be happy" LIKE WHAT?!?!? the one who got it probably released it right after as they probably thought it was hacked or something, I am still mad I did that and I want to get a shiny toucannon in the terarium so I could have my funny looking nice shiny looking bi flag looking toucannon back

  • poketrav90
    poketrav90 Member Posts: 2
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    My first shiny not counting Red Gyarados, was a Rattata in Leaf Green!

  • MonstaDash
    MonstaDash Member Posts: 375 ✭✭✭
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    My first shiny is the red Gyrados in Crystal.

  • KekleonXD
    KekleonXD Member Posts: 33
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    Wailmer in the mainline games and in Pokémon go my first shiny was sneasel which was the first ever sneasel I’ve encountered in pokemon go

  • Eremas
    Eremas Member Posts: 1,434 ✭✭✭✭
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    My second shiny was much cooler than my first. My first was some early flier in Johto. Then I went back to gen 1 to catch a shiny Zapdos.