What were everybody's first Shiny Pokémon?

As mentioned in the title, I'd like to know what your first Shiny Pokémon was!
Additionally, if you want, you can share your favorite Shiny Pokémon memories here!
My first Shiny was a Hoppip in Scarlet. Even though I'd been playing Pokémon games since a month after the launch of Sword and Shield, I'd never found any Shinies before then. I actually found this Hoppip only five days after starting the game, and I found a Shiny Oinkologne the next day.
In pokemon go my first shiny was Minccino
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The red Gyarados in GS. My first non-fixed shiny was a Cindaquil that hatched from an egg I bred from my starter in HGSS.
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my first in go was a cute 97 IV alolan sandshrew!
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Litwick in Pokemon Go
Applin in Pokemon Violet (also caught it on my birthday, no destiny mark tho)
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I can't remember, but it was either a shiny Haunter in XY's Victory Road, or a shiny Lickitung in XY's Victory Road. I've lost the Lickitung and even if I still had it I'd always set the device's date to 1/1/2012 so I can't exactly check.
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The Haunter was found in Y and the Lickitung was found in X.
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Never got one, I didn’t even know they existed until a couple years ago. Personally, don’t quite understand the appeal.
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Sorry for the multiple comments but also I think it's funny how they were both in Kalos' Victory Road
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I remember I was in NYC, and I finished a raid in Pokémon Go, clicked to see my Mewtwo, and it was Shiny!!! It is now my forever best Pokemon, and if I stop playing Pokemon Go, it’s going to Pokemon Home.
(Pokemon Go Mewtwo First Appearance Event)