Just wanna know, personally I am struck between Silver and Wallace.
Right after the Super Mystery Dungeon and a remake of Red and Blue Rescue Team, I'm just wanting to know why you think that Spike Chunsoft is not involved in developing anymore of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon video games from the concurrent generation?
i loved lookers theme but recently I was listening to the x and y ost and emma's theme is beautiful though has a sort of sad tone to it which makes since what was happening
2024 marks the Year of the Dragon and with the recent quiz about said type posted on the official site I though it would be an opportunity to discuss about how a mythical dragon Pokémon would looks like.
We seen what happens when Doduo and Dodrio fight among its heads. So what would happen when Scovillain's two heads start fighting one another.
Chapter 6.5 — Growlithe Decision Growlithe returned home after her mission with Team Hopefinder. Her Dad Arcanine was waiting for her. "How was your adventure sweety? Did you enjoy it?" Arcanine had no clue what happened at the Bright Grove. "Well on our quest over there Leo went and stepped on a confusion trap, making him…
When I was using an iPhone 6, I installed Pokémon Masters EX on it, but encountered a problem. The game crashes during the mid-tutorial every time. I am considering whether it is due to the hardware or the version of iOS, as the device is currently running iOS 12, which is the final update for the iPhone 6. I am wondering…