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Gen 1 bracket round 4 #2
Legends Z-A: Granted Eternity
We all know it's illegally impossible to get Eternal Flower Floette in Kalos and any other game, but will there be the same Floette in old Kalos? Or will our only gift be more special regional Pokémon and Megas? Comment down below.
My worst shiny fail
I was playing synchro with my friend beating up some pokes me: beats up a crabrawler My friend: “that was an odd crabrawler” Me: “no, of course crabrawler has red claws, it’s a boxer!” My friend: shows me a normal crabrawler Me: “oh, ohnoohnoohno
How does Acid Armor work?
In-universe, how does acid armor work? It says the user liquifies itself, and depending on the generation, this either looks like the Pokemon melting into poison-y acid or just liquifying like water (temporarily), which then boosts defense. Any ideas how that works in-universe?
Your Shiny Fails
Once Upon a Time a shiny Graveler ran away from me in Let's go. What are some of your times when you failed a shiny?
Who do you think is the best rival?
Just wanna know, personally I am struck between Silver and Wallace.
No more Pokémon Mystery Dungeon video games from the concurrent generation ever developed? Why?
Right after the Super Mystery Dungeon and a remake of Red and Blue Rescue Team, I'm just wanting to know why you think that Spike Chunsoft is not involved in developing anymore of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon video games from the concurrent generation?
I liked the post game of x and y though the music is amazing
i loved lookers theme but recently I was listening to the x and y ost and emma's theme is beautiful though has a sort of sad tone to it which makes since what was happening
Gen 1 bracket round 4 #1