Story idea that I don't know if I will write about
I finally had an idea for a story a while ago. It's about a girl whose home region has been destroyed by powerful Ultra Beasts that have never been seen before and her quest to save her home. However, the people in charge of the region have evacuated all the people to different regions and only allow powerful trainers like…
Favorite spinoff series
I’m kind of curious and don’t know if anyone has done a poll on this yet
Shiny starter odds question
I’m curious about how In like gen 6 or 7 how many people got a shiny starter without resetting since I know they’re is millions of copies sold of them and the shiny odds are 1/4096 so I’m curious how many people got extremely lucky with shinys
What's the best fairy Pokemon
Fairy Pokemon are cute cuddly critters. But which is the best? Find out now!
Hydreigon: Three or single head?
Here's the real brain teaser for you, do hydreigon have three heads or just one head? If just one then the other two are just puppets acting like its fore claws
Pokémon story ideas?
I really want to write a story here on my own but I barely have any ideas. So does anyone have suggestions for a plot or characters or anything else? It doesn't need to be a full, finished idea, just something I can make into a good story.
everyone is writing a story now so I got into it too, if you want to see something written you may as well write it yourself so here is my oneshot AZUMARILL SAGA. i think it's very epic. The local Marill of Mt. Mortar were in unrest. Strange men and equipment were being moved through to Mahogany in the dark of night. The…
Does any 1 have a shiny sliggoo/goodra I can't get one and I have a shiny pichu i will trade for 1
Shiny pichu for shiny goodra trade pls on Wednesdays at 6:05 code:0805 pls I love goodra and sliggoo but 1 method I tried said guarantee. Guess what. No shiny so I'd love to do this trade also I can add a flygon(dlc exclusive but the only other dlc pokemon available are clafable and cinderace srry)(and maybe a braxien)
cin some one fren me Darckniss on pokemon unite
ples frend me i hav no frens
Gen 1 bracket round 4 #4